The following NATA committees fall under the ECE and also work to address issues related to AT education:
The PEC acts as an advocate and resource for students and educators associated with accredited baccalaureate and entry-level athletic training educational programs.
Post Professional Education Committee (PPEC)
The PPEC provides strategic vision and guidance to all post-professional education in Athletic Training. The promotion of life-long learning and professional development will impart advanced knowledge and skills of athletic trainers to achieve career goals and fulfilment, while also excelling in the clinical practice, research and scholarship that enhances the quality of patient care, optimizing outcomes and improving patients’ health-related quality of life.
Professional Development Committee (PDC)
The PDC coordinates development, delivery and evaluation of continuing education.
Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP)
The IPEP interest group was formed as a community of colleagues who provide support for NATA members and advocate for the profession of athletic training in the areas of Interprofessional Education (IPE) and Interprofessional Practice (IPP). This group will work toward facilitating collaboration-ready interprofessional practitioners, particularly by way of professional preparation. Interested in joining the group? Visit its LinkedIn page to join the conversation.
Connect Online
- Visit the NATA Higher Education group on Linked In for a dedicated forum to talk to fellow AT educators.
Connect at Convention
NATA offers many events for AT educators at convention. Details about events for athletic training educators at NATA 2018 in New Orleans will be posted when available.
Connect at ATEC
NATA also hosts the Athletic Training Educators’ Conference (ATEC), the premiere event for AT educators, every other year. More than 530 educators traveled to Dallas for ATEC 2017. The next Athletic Training Educators’ Conference will be in early 2019. Details will be posted when available.