
September 8, 2017 by Beth Sitzler
As athletic trainers continue to gain recognition and credibility in the health care arena, new standards are being placed on those in the profession—one such being documentation. To ensure these expectations are being met, members of the NATA...
August 29, 2017 by Todd Christman
On behalf of the ATs Care CISM peer-support team, I want to reach out to those of you dealing with the ongoing effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma to express our concerns for your safety and to let you know that the athletic training community has...
August 28, 2017 by Beth Sitzler
In the August/September NATA News , the NATA 2017 recap issue, we took a closer look at the “Assisting Individuals in Crisis” course held June 25-26 by NATA’s ATs Care Committee. During the two-day course, attendees learned about Critical Incident...
reimbursement, clinical care, transition to practice
May 23, 2017 by JordanG
Steve Allison, LAT, and his staff at Divine Savior Health Care in Portage, Wisconsin, were featured in the June NATA News as a key clinical site for NATA's Third Party Reimbursement Project. Allison started working on achieving third party...