
March 20, 2020 by Elizabeth Quinn
By David A. Middlemas, EdD. ATC. CCISM Chair, ATs Care Commission, National Athletic Trainers’ Association. ATs Care acknowledges the large-scale cancellations and postponements of meetings and gatherings affects all aspects of our lives. Our daily...
January 29, 2020 by Beth Sitzler
As part of NATA’s coverage during American Heart Month in February, the February NATA News features a new infographic handout on sudden cardiac arrest (SCA ) . The handout includes a checklist to prepare for and prevent SCA, treat SCA and return to...
December 6, 2019 by Elizabeth Quinn
In November, the NATA Board of Directors approved the name change of the ATs Care Committee to the ATs Care Commission as a way to more accurately reflect the group’s purpose and role of providing peer-to-peer support and critical incident stress...