In the August/September NATA News, the NATA 2017 recap issue, we took a closer look at the “Assisting Individuals in Crisis” course held June 25-26 by NATA’s ATs Care Committee. During the two-day course, attendees learned about Critical Incident Stress Management, created by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, and what they can do to help their fellow ATs build resiliency to stress.
“As health care professionals, we sometimes encounter tragic events, and this puts a psychological stress on us that sometimes we don’t know how to deal with,” said Ben Velasquez, DA, LAT, ATC, one of the 28 course participants. “This training allows us to help those in crisis deal with these situations and get back to their normal life.”
ATs Care is looking into offering the “Assisting Individuals in Crisis” course in 2018 during district meetings and the NATA convention. To help bring attention to Critical Incident Stress Management and how to recognize and help someone in need, a new infographic resource has been created. The handout, “Critical Incident Stress Management 101: Building Resiliency,” details the different types of stress, signs and symptoms of dysfunction and what to do to help a fellow athletic trainer after an abnormal event.
More information about Critical Incident Stress Management and other resources can be viewed on the ATs Care webpage.