Since 2005, the NATA Political Action Committee (NATAPAC) has been the voice of the athletic training profession, seeking better working conditions, fair access and the right to practice for all athletic trainers across America.
Over the past year, NATAPAC garnered more than $70,000 from 1,035 contributors between October 2022 and September 2023. View a complete list of the 2022-23 contributing members.
NATAPAC enables members to support elected officials or candidates who promote policy advancing the athletic training profession. Through NATAPAC, members can help shape the political climate and educate federal legislators regarding the significant contributions athletic trainers make as health care providers across our nation.
Thanks to all our contributors! We are tremendously grateful for your support in advocating for the profession!
No matter your setting, you have a home within NATA. Your membership opens the door to problem-solving resources and connects you to our global athletic training community. Be NATA and join or renew your NATA membership by Dec. 31. Don’t let finances get in the way of membership. Contact Member Services through email or by calling 972-532-8897 to learn more about how we can help.