The Coalition to Preserve Rehabilitation (CPR), of which NATA is a member, is seeking feedback from patients, providers, caregivers and advocates regarding the long-term impacts of COVID-19 and the need for COVID-19 rehabilitation. Specifically, CPR is seeking:
1. Access to Rehabilitation: Specific recommendations to increase access to COVID-19 rehabilitation – think of barriers that you or your patients have encountered in accessing care for the long-term effects of COVID-19 or policies you think should be in place to increase access.
2. Patient Stories: Patient and/or caregiver stories of the long-term impacts of COVID-19 and/or your experience with COVID-19 rehabilitation. CPR would like you to indicate your potential interest in sharing your stories now or in the future as opportunities arise to highlight this message with policymakers. CPR is looking for responses to the following questions, though it welcomes additional information:
a. What long-term impacts have you experienced from COVID-19 after being discharged from the hospital (or other setting of care)?
b. What forms of rehabilitation have you participated in, for how long and were they helpful in addressing your long-term symptoms?
c. What barriers have you encountered in seeking rehabilitation to address your long-term symptoms?
If you have information to share, send it to gov@nata.org by Dec. 28. This input is critical for advancing CPR’s goal of preserving and enhancing access to rehabilitation needed specifically to combat the long-term impacts of COVID-19.
If submitting a patient/caregiver story, indicate if you are willing to be identified and share your story (CPR or NATA will contact you to discuss future opportunities to do so) or if you prefer that the information you provided above be shared anonymously.