The National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Board of Directors approved a technical change to its bylaws, specifically section 7.2 (a), during its conference call meeting on Monday, August 27, 2019.
After consultation with legal counsel, which examined the situation and developed the verbiage, it was determined that section 7.2 (a) had conflicting language regarding service on the NATA Presidential Nominating Committee. Section 7.2 (a) clearly states that the committee is comprised of the seated and past district directors. A contradiction existed if an immediate past district director rolled off the board more than four years ago, which is dictated in section 8.2 (a) of the bylaws.
A technical change to the bylaws was made to fix this contradiction and to ensure that each district has two votes if more than two candidates for NATA president emerge. With this technical fix, it is possible that not every immediate past director is eligible to be NATA president, given the clear stipulation in section 8.2 (a), but each is eligible to serve on the committee and vote in the process.
Here is the revised language for section 7.2 (a):
The Presidential Nominating Committee is comprised of each seated District Director and the most immediate past Director for each district, provided that s/he is currently a member of the district. Each district will receive one vote per representative. In the event that one or both of these individuals is a candidate or unavailable, the District Board or equivalent will appoint a replacement(s) who will receive a proxy vote. Those who declare candidacy shall not serve on the Nominating Committee and shall not vote.
Per the bylaws, this technical change was unanimously approved by the NATA Board of Directors and included an affirmative vote from the NATA President. The bylaws take effect 60 days from the date of this announcement.
Below are the sections of the bylaws which explain technical versus substantive changes:
12.1 Substantive Changes. These Bylaws may be altered, amended, supplemented, or repealed after any such changes, approved by the Board of Directors, are submitted to each of the Districts’ annual business meetings, and are approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of Districts. Any changes so approved shall be resubmitted to the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors then approves the changes by at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the number of Directors then in office (excluding the President), the changes shall thereupon become effective.
12.2 Technical Changes. Technical corrections to the Bylaws may be made by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, including the vote of the President. If the Bylaws are altered, amended or supplemented in this manner, the changes shall not become effective until 60 days after the Membership has been advised of the changes.
For your information, a copy of the current bylaws can be found here. The new update will be effective 60 days from the date of this notification.