By Yuri Hosokawa, PhD, ATC
Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences
NATA International Committee
WFATT 2019 World Congress Planning Committee
On May 11-12, the 10th World Federation of Athletic Training & Therapy (WFATT) World Congress was held in Makuhari-Messe, Japan. The congress was hosted by Japan Athletic Trainers’ Organization (JATO) and WFATT, with support from local organizations including the Japan Sport Association and Japanese Society for Athletic Training. We had a record-breaking number of attendees and sponsors for the World Congress in Tokyo, reaching over 500 attendees and 41 corporate sponsors.
The congress program was strategically planned to reflect the congress theme, “Exercise for Total Health”. Fifteen speakers with a variety of credentials and licensures (physician, athletic trainer, physical therapist, strength and conditioning), whose work settings range from clinical practice, corporate, research, and education presented about their perspectives on how athletic training and therapy can promote health and physical performance of athletes, general population, and tactical athletes. Two keynote speakers were sponsored by the NATA, Martin “Marty“ Matney, MBA, LAT, ATC, CEAS, and Diana Settles, MAT, ATC, who gave presentations about application of athletic training in corporate worker and tactical athlete settings. Although these two settings have “emerged” and continue to grow for athletic trainers in the U.S., these settings are unexplored field of opportunity in many other countries. Their presentations gave specific ways to quantify the outcome of athletic training and therapy, which is an imperative step to demonstrate the value of athletic trainers worldwide.
At the closing ceremony, Dr. Glen Bergeron, president of WFATT, and Dr. Daisuke Uematsu, president of JATO, both alluded to the growth and globalization of athletic training and therapy, which are faster than ever before. I hope the energy we felt at the congress will continue to grow to adovocATe and elevATe our profession worldwide.