This is a Call for Nominations for the Officer Position of USBJI Vice President to serve from June 2019 – June 2021, and seven Members-at-Large, to serve from June 2019 – June 2022, on the Board of the U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI). These elections will take place during the June 7, 2019 Annual/Board meeting, Baltimore, MD.
The positions as described in the Bylaws are as follows:
- Vice President
The Vice-President shall provide continuity to the general direction of the USBJI and as a support to the current President. In the event that the President, Past President, and President Elect are unable to serve his/her term, the Vice President will assume the President or Past President’s duties. In the year during which there is no President-Elect, and the Immediate Past-President cannot assume the position of President upon the death, inability or refusal of the President, the Vice President will assume the position of President and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice President will be responsible for oversight of designated committees, task forces or summits, membership development, programs or strategic planning based on the needs of the President and/or Board of Directors.
Please note the following stipulation:
The officers of the USBJI may be current or past members of the Board or may be members of Founding or Participating Members with extensive service or participation on committees or in other affairs of the
Nominations for the position of Vice President should include an abbreviated biographical sketch, and a letter outlining the nominee's interest in serving including a commitment to dedicate time to the position.
- Members-at-Large-of the Board of Directors
There shall be a maximum of twenty-four (24) voting members of the Board of Directors, comprised of one representative from each of the Founding Members which has paid its annual dues, plus seven Members-at-large, five representing the Participating Members, and two representing the interests of patients and the general public who can be nominated by Founding or Participating Members.
Note: No more than one representative of a Founding or Participating Member may sit on the Board at any one time.
Director Responsibilities
Each Director brings to the Board varying degrees of expertise, interests, and obligations. However once appointed or elected to the Board of the U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative, in all matters relating to the activities of the Bone & Joint Initiative the individual Board Director must act in the best interests, fiduciary and otherwise, of the U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative.
General Responsibilities:
1.Support the Vision, Mission, and Goals of the U.S. Bone & Joint Initiative
2.Participate in the governance of the Initiative and ongoing refinement of its Strategic Plan
3.Represent the Initiative in all appropriate venues
4.Participate actively in all scheduled Board Activities including attendance at all scheduled Board Meetings and Conference Calls
5.Readily accept assignment to appropriate Initiative Programs and Committees
6.Foster the exchange of knowledge and information within the Initiative Network
7.Participate in the dissemination of knowledge concerning bone and joint health to all populations
Responsibilities of Appointed Board Directors:
1.Inform the officers and members of the appointing organization of the activities of the Initiative
2.Encourage the participation of all members of the organization in the activities of the Initiative
3.Represent the interests and concerns of the appointing organization to the Initiative
4.Encourage the appointing organization to initiate programs that will further the goals of both the organization and the Initiative
Responsibilities of Elected/Lay Member Board Directors:
1.Represent the interests and concerns surrounding the bone and joint health of all citizens to the Initiative
2.Encourage participation in Initiative activities by all citizen groups within the general public
3.Assist in the dissemination of knowledge concerning bone and joint health to all populations
Expected Time Commitment
The actual time commitment for each Board Member will vary based on committee assignments or other specific tasks. However, in general the minimal annual time commitment would be to attend one 2-day and one 1-day Board Meeting and participate in quarterly Conference Calls.
Nominations for both positions should be submitted to Bruce Browner, MD, MHCM, FACS, FAOA Secretary, c/o smaier@usbji.org, with no exceptions by April 24, 2019.