The NATA Board of Directors and the members of the AT Strategic Alliance approved the adoption or endorsement of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) with the Children and Youth (ICF-CY) updates. Each entity of the alliance is responsible for implementation of the language into the documents and processes they control. The NATA Executive Committee for Education, Professional Development Committee and Professional Education Committee will work together to educate membership on the language and on how to integrate it into practice.
A work group is being formed by NATA to address education and dissemination of the model. In addition to a representative from each of the committees listed above, we would like to have three ATs who have integrated the ICF model into their practice and/or who have expertise in the disablement model, join the work group. If you are interested in being a member of the work group, please forward a letter of interest and your curriculum vitae/resume to anitaj@nata.org by Feb. 27. Your letter should indicate why you are interested and what your experience is with the disablement model. Work group members will be selected during February 2017 and the work group will begin their work in February/March 2017. All work is anticipated to be done by conference call. Based on letters of interest and the CVs/resumes received, three people will be selected for the work group.