While H.R. 921, the Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act has been NATA’s most publicized legislative effort, our advocacy team is always working behind the scenes on other issues related to the profession. We continuously engage in efforts in the regulatory arena, commenting on proposed rules and regulations that may impact the athletic training profession.
As you may recall, in 2014, NATA provided comments to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the proposed revisions to the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC), encouraging them to reclassify athletic trainers under a category that better reflects their education, licensure and credentialing, training, and practice setting.
In late July, OMB unveiled proposed changes to the 2018 SOC and did not adopt NATA’s recommended changes. The National Office staff will be providing written comments to OMB, as well as engaging key Members of Congress and other stakeholders, encouraging the Agency to reconsider its position on this issue. Read more about the proposed changes to the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification.
Here are some of our other recent regulatory efforts:
- Comment Letter: Request for Information solicited by the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, June 9, 2016
- Comment Letter: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Draft Strategic Research Priorities, March 3, 2016 (pdf)
- Comment Letter: National Physical Activity Plan Sport Sector via the National Physical Activity Plan Alliance, February 2016
If you'd like to read more about NATA's regulatory work, visit the advocacy portion of the website. We will continue to update each time we submit formal comments.