2016 Convention Events of Interest For ATs in Emerging Settings
All locations are tentative and subject to change
(Final locations will be provided in the 2016 NATA Convention Guide)
*Denotes registration is required
Wednesday, June 22
*Physician Practice Pre-Conference Workshop - Introduction
7:45am-5:10pm | Hyatt, Constellation F | 8 CEUs, $120 pro/ $80 student
*Physician Practice Pre-Conference Workshop - Advanced
7:45pm-5:10pm | Hyatt, Constellation A | 8 CEUs, $120 pro/ $80 student
*Performing Arts Pre-Conference Workshop
12:00pm-4:30pm | Hyatt, Constellation B | 4 CEUs, $60 pro/ $40 student
COPA Networking Reception
5:30pm-7:30pm | Hilton, Holiday 6
Thursday, June 23
Healthcare Administrators’ Forum
9:00am-12:00pm | Hilton, Johnson A
*Learning Lab | Casting/Splinting for the AT in a Physician Practice
10:45am-12:45pm | BCC, Room 345-346
Special Topics | Collecting and Utilizing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: Successful Strategies for Clinic, Collegiate, and Secondary School Settings
1:30pm-2:30pm | BCC, Room 307
Session | Interprofessional Education & Practice and Interdisciplinary Care Teams in Health Care
(Presented by the NATA Committee on Practice Advancement)
1:30pm-3:30pm | BCC, Room 318-323
Friday, June 24
Successful AT Reimbursement – Third Party Reimbursement Project:
7:00am-9:00am | BCC, Room 324-326
i. Successful AT Reimbursement - The Wisconsin Story
ii. Successful AT Reimbursement - The Ohio Story
iii. Successful AT Reimbursement - The Indiana Story
Athletic Trainer Reporting for Duty: Basic Military 101
7:30am–8:30am | BCC, Room 310
Peer to Peer | Alignment of Community Needs with Staffing
9:15am-11:15am | BCC, Room 327-328
Special Topics | Integrating Patient-Rated Outcome Measures Into Routine Patient Care: Overcoming Common Challenges and Barriers
9:15am-10:15am | BCC, Room 308
Peer to Peer | Military Athletic Training: Establishing Foundations in the Non-traditional Setting
2:00pm-3:00pm | Hilton, Key 2
Armed Forces Athletic Trainers’ Society (AFATS) Meeting
5:00pm-6:00pm | Sheraton, Harborview
Armed Forces Athletic Trainers’ Society (AFATS) Reception
6:00pm-7:00pm | Sheraton, Lock Raven
Saturday, June 25
Peer to Peer | The AT Outside the Realm of the Traditional Role
10:45am-11:45am | BCC, Room 327-328
Caring for Military Athletes: Why a Sports Medicine Model is Critical for the Care of Our Military Forces
3:30PM – 5:30PM | BCC, Room 324-326
i. The Problem: Why is the Sports Medicine Model Essential in Today’s Military Environment?
ii. One Solution Examples from a 6 Year Program Built to Address These Issues
iii. The Impact: How Programs in the Different Branches are Impacting this Issue
Please contact Britni Adams with any questions