The 2021 NATA Virtual Clinical Symposia & AT Expo is just around the corner! Live educational programming starts June 22, and knowing what’s on the agenda and how to earn CEUs is a critical part of making the most the VNATA 2021 experience.
The VNATA 2021 educational program – live June 22-24 and on-demand through Sept. 30 – consists of more than 70 sessions and more than 12 hours of live programming. Throughout VNATA 2021, attendees can earn up to 25 CEUs, including 7.5 EBP CEUs.
Different themes and formats are represented throughout all of VNATA 2021. Keep reading for more information about the themes, formats and select notable sessions. Learn more about the VNATA 2021 educational programming on the Education webpage of the convention website and in the preliminary program.
Choose by Theme
While the VNATA 2021 educational programming will cover a range of topics, the NATA Convention Program Committee selects annual convention themes to provide attendees an in-depth look at hot topics in athletic training. This year, VNATA 2021 will feature three themes: ergogenic aids, mental wellness and emergency preparedness/response.
Ergogenic aids is focused on disseminating information on techniques and/or substances used for the purpose of enhancing performance. Five VNATA 2021 sessions fall under this theme, including:
- “Hot Topics in Sports Nutrition: Expert Dietitian Panel” at 11:15 a.m. CDT June 22
- “Energy Drinks & Other Caffeinated Products: Any Evidence to the Hype?” at 10 a.m. CDT June 23
- “Improving Hydration During Sport and Physical Activity: Habitual Fluid Intake and the Role of Hydration Supplements” at 10 a.m. CDT June 24
Mental wellness is all about techniques and strategies to enhance emotional, psychological and social well-being. VNATA 2021 offers 17 sessions on mental wellness, including:
- “The Global Challenges of COVID-19: Opportunities for Prioritizing Psychological Resources and Recovery Methods” at 1:30 p.m. CDT June 22
- “Addressing Sympathetic Overload for Injury Recovery” at 11:15 a.m. CDT June 23
- “Social Determinants of Health and the Impact on the Health & Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Patients” at 2:15 p.m. CDT June 23
- “Exploring the Emotional Response of Cultural Biases: Fostering an Environment for Inclusivity, Justice and Equity in the Athletic Training Facility” at 3:30 p.m. CDT June 23
Emergency preparedness/response is focused on policies, strategies and procedures that can be implemented by athletic trainers to mitigate the impact of an emergent event. VNATA 2021 includes 14 sessions that fall under this theme, including:
- “What To Do Before Shots Are Fired: Designing an Emergency Action Plan for an Active Shooter Incident at Your Institution” at 2:45 p.m. CDT June 22
- “Utilization of Epidemiological Data To Create Heat Policies and Reduce Risk Rates” at 2:15 p.m. CDT June 23
- “Emergency Skill Consideration for the Athletic Trainer Working in Rural and Remote Settings” at 11:15 a.m. CDT June 24
- “Creating Credibility With a Quality Patient Report: Communicating With EMS Providers To Improve Inter-Professional Relationships” at 1 p.m. CDT June 24
Choose by Format
In addition to the 55-minute lecture sessions, VNATA 2021 is introducing forum sessions as another educational opportunity. Evidence-based practice sessions, Free Communications oral presentations and the Athletic Training Student Seminar will also be returning for VNATA 2021.
Forums are scheduled for 5 p.m. CDT June 22-23 and 2 p.m. CDT June 24, and will feature live discussion with subject matter experts and attendees. Attendance will be limited to the first 49 attendees to allow for productive and focused discussion. Attendees can earn 1 Category A CEU during each forum.
The forum topics include:
- An Update on Therapeutic Modalities: How Should They Be Used?
- Emergency Medical Services at Action Sport Events
- Prevention & Treatment Strategies So You Don’t get Hamstrung by Hamstring Injuries
- Creating Credibility With a Quality Patient Report: Communicating With EMS Providers To Improve Inter‐Professional Relationships
- Using Cognitive Loading To Enhance Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation
- Heat Stroke Management: Overcoming Barriers To Cool First, Transport Second
What To Know About Earning CEUs
This year, VNATA 2021 is utilizing a new virtual platform, so understanding the details to ensure CEUs are earned after completing sessions is important.
Participation in VNATA 2021 will be tracked by the minute and you must view a session in its entirety in order to take the session assessment and earn CEU credit. Be sure to allow pop-ups and redirects from the PheedLoop platform to prevent your computer from blocking the assessments. The session assessment will pop up on the screen shortly before a session ends. You can close the assessment to watch the remainder of the video; however, the assessment must be completed before you exit the session. You can reopen the assessment by clicking the “Check-In Survey” button at the top of the page.
If you don’t complete the session assessment before navigating away from the session, you will have to exit the sessions area, then return and watch the session again to access the assessment. Once you have completed the assessment for a session, the blue “Check-In” button will turn green and say “Check-In Successful.”
If the assessment doesn’t pop up, it means either you didn’t watch the minimum minutes required or a pop-up blocker prevented it from appearing. In either case, you will need to watch the session again in its entirety to access the assessment.
Register Today!
Early registration for VNATA 2021 – $179 for current professional members – is available through June 21. After that date, registration will increase to $229 for current professional members through
Sept. 30. Current professional members can save an additional $50 by prepaying their 2022 NATA membership dues. Retired and honorary members can register for VNATA 2021 for free.
For the entire pricing breakdown, more information and to register, visit the convention website.