As your source of lifelong learning, NATA EducATe provides users with an extensive educational library, a customizable experience, the ability to interact with peers and more.
New courses are consistently being added to the platform to ensure you have the knowledge needed to stay up to date in your practice – as well as earn CEUs. Here’s a look at the courses released in November. Visit NATA EducATe for more information on these and other courses available at your fingertips.
SIDELINED: Helping Athletes Adapt and Thrive After Medically Forced Exit from Sport
By Jordan Anderson, MS, ATC, and Christine Pinalto
The course aims to help ATs identify the three domains of experience that characterize the injured athlete’s journey. It also aims to examine most recent data reflecting trends in psychological response and the mental health concerns following medically-forced exit from sport, as identified in Sidelined USA’s 2020 original Institutional Review Board-approved research study. It explains components of a healthy psychological adjustment following medical disqualification as referenced in Brown & Hogg’s Model of Healthy Transition Following Career-Ending Injury. It discusses ways athletic trainers can support the medically disqualified athlete in six key areas: grief and identity loss, social support, coping strategies, affiliation/competence, rebuilding motivation and mental health concerns. It also identifies free support resources available through NATA-sponsored nonprofit Sidelined USA.
NATA Position Statement - Emergency Action Plan Development and Implementation in Sport
By Samantha Scarneo-Miller, PhD, ATC, and Yuri Hosokawa, PhD, ATC, FACSM
The learning objective of this course is to understand the landscape of emergency action plans, including being able to summarize the current literature on EAPs. It’s also to analyze athletic trainers’ organizations’ EAPs for the inclusion of best practices using a checklist. Further, it’s to apply the knowledge gained to begin to improve their organizations through a workbook approach to improving component adoption.
Staying Courtside and Out of Court - What Athletic Trainers Need To Know About the Legal Process
By David Cohen, ATC, Esq, Kacie Kergides, Esq, and Tamara Gaw, MS, ATC, Esq
The learning objectives of this course are to explain the basis of a malpractice lawsuit, understand strategies to avoid malpractice litigation and explain the basis of the United States legal system.