ATs in Action

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Help us share what athletic trainers (ATs) do on a daily basis by submitting your photos to be featured in our #ATsinAction campaign.

ATs in Action shows ATs doing what you do best – providing exceptional health care to a diverse patient population in a variety of settings.

Be a part of the story by contributing your images today!

Contact Information
Photo Upload

Please describe what is occurring in the photo(s) being submitted

This can be a short caption or a longer, more detailed story

Please Include Name(s), credential(s) and job title(s) of other individuals in image(s)

Photo Upload
You may upload as many photos as needed, one at a time.


Photographer Credit/Photo Source

You may credit a photographer or note the source. Please note which photo(s) you are giving credit for in this area.


  • Only approved and authorized photos and content should be submitted. Appropriate authorization and permission have been received.
  • Athletic trainers featured are adhering to the NATA Code of Ethics and practicing within their scope of practice and state practice act.
  • NATA may use your image(s) at its discretion and that the image(s) may be altered (cropped, colorized, mirror image) according to style necessity. I understand the image may be used for additional informational and promotional purposes and may be shared with third parties at the discretion of NATA. I hereby waive any and all rights to this image.