Award Info
The 2025 Cycle Awardees are slated to be celebrated June 25th, 2025 at the NATA Convention in Orlando, Florida.
If any candidate needs assistance or has questions about the process, they should email honorsandawards@nata.org.
There are a variety of awards bestowed each year to worthy members of NATA, each with their own unique requirements, application, review processes, timelines and recognition efforts. There is a set timeline (see below) and a shared application for most of the National Awards under the Honors & Awards Committee. These awards include: Hall of Fame (HOF), Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer (MDAT), Athletic Trainer Service Award (ATSA), Eve Becker-Doyle Leadership Award, Fellows and the Gail Weldon Award of Excellence. Jack Weakley Award of Distinction and Honorary Membership have separate applications.
Many awards require that a candidate complete an application or submit supporting materials (letters of recommendation, vitae, etc.). We recommend you allow ample time to complete these materials by submitting your nominations early.
Please review the NATA H&A Committee Tips for assistance completing your candidate profile.
- How to Nominate a Peer
- How to Accept or Decline a Nomination
- How to Complete an Application
- How to Complete an Advocate Form
August 1 (12:00am Central Time)
September 15 (11:59pm Central Time)
October 1 (11:59pm central time)
Nominations open
Nominations close
Deadline to return all application and support materials
Award Recipients selected
Awards presented during the NATA Convention & AT Expo
While other NATA awards may follow the same or similar National Awards timeline, almost all of them have different applications, requirements and separate processes in place for submission, selection, notification and recognition. Please be advised that a candidate for multiple awards will most likely need multiple nomination forms and supporting documents, depending on the requirements for each award. View our helpful breakdown of all the awards that are given at NATA below, and be advised that any questions for a particular award should first be directed to the staff liaison listed as the contact on the respective award page.
NATA Honors
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame Gallery
Special Recognition Awards
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award
Committee Awards
Barnes/Horton/Johnson Entreprenuership Award
Bill Chisolm Professional Service Award
Intercollegiate Council for Sports Medicine Awards
Chuck Kimmell First-time Attendee Award
Daniel L. Campbell Legislative Award
Frank Walters Trailblazer Award
Impact Advocacy Award
International Committee Awards
LGBTQ+ Award for Inclusive Excellence
Marsha Grant-Ford Distinguished Research Award
Pioneer Athletic Trainer Legacy Award
Professional Development Excellence Award
Sayers "Bud" Miller Distinguished Educator Award
Secondary School Athletic Trainers' Committee AT Advocate Award
Secondary School Athletic Trainers' Committee Servant's Heart Award
Secondary School Athletic Trainer of the Year Award
State Association Advisory Committee Award
Career Advancement Committee (CAC) National Distinction Award
Early Professionals' Committee (EPC) Excellence Award
William T. Griffin Award for Outstanding Leadership in Legislative Advocacy
NATA Awards
Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer
Athletic Trainer Service Award
Honorary Membership
Jack Weakley Award of Distinction
Gail Weldon Award of Excellence
Eve Becker-Doyle Leadership Award
External Awards
AOSSM Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award
Tim Kerin Award for Excellence
Foundation Awards
DeLoss Brubaker Student Writing Award
Free Communications Awards
Volunteer Awards