The Athletic Training Education Journal invites authors to submit manuscripts for a special series regarding healthcare for the LGBTQIA+ community.
The series will provide athletic training clinicians, educators, preceptors, and scholars with best practices for providing patient-centered care for patients within the LGBTQIA+ community. Including manuscript types of all forms, this series seeks to provide best practice strategies for providing equitable patient care, education, and offering topics of consideration in future curriculum development. Specifically, we hope that readers will gain insight into providing inclusive and culturally sensitive healthcare, best practices for delivering healthcare to LGBTQIA+ patients, or strategies for teaching content related to the LGBTQIA+ community (during didactic or clinical education).
Specifically, we seek original research, educational technique, and systematic review manuscripts addressing healthcare for LGBTQIA+ patients. Educational technique manuscripts addressing the new CAATE curricular content standards and clinical education are particularly encouraged. The Journal welcomes submissions from diverse writing teams across professions and institutions.
To have your manuscript considered for the series, submit an initial idea to the guest editors (information below). Authors whose proposals are accepted will need to submit their manuscripts to the Athletic Training Education Journal no later than December 31, 2022. Publication of articles in the special series will be prioritized between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2023.
All authors are encouraged to review the Authors’ Guide for instructions on preparing manuscripts. All submissions will undergo the normal Athletic Training Education Journal peer-review process. Acceptance of LGBTQIA+ manuscripts are not guaranteed.
Please direct questions to the ATEJ Editorial Office (e-mail: atej@slu.edu) or to Guest Editors Amanda Tritsch, PhD, ATC, CSCS (email: ajtritsch@usf.edu), or Emma Nye, DAT, LAT, ATC (email: enye@selectmedical.com).