The Athletic Training Education Journal invites manuscripts for a special series focusing on Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Practice (IPECP).
This proposed special series on IPECP will provide athletic trainer clinicians, educators, and scholars with the opportunity to learn about and from the evolution of IPECP in athletic training over the past 10 years. We envision that the collection of IPECP focused reviews, original research, and educational techniques will offer a lens into the accomplished work of athletic trainers in this area and will suggest topics and discussion points for consideration in future curriculum development. Given the importance of preceptors to the athletic training student learning process, we anticipate an opportunity to bridge some of the gaps between didactic and clinical education in relation to IPE. Specifically, we hope that readers will gain insight into potential goals and objectives for IPE, methods of delivery, strategies for assessment, and opportunities within clinical education and health care.
Specifically, we seek original research, educational technique, and systematic review manuscripts addressing interprofessional education, collaborative practice, or both. Educational technique manuscripts addressing the new CAATE curricular content standards and clinical education are particularly encouraged. When developing the manuscript, be sure to include in the discussion a summary of how your experiences with and outcomes from the technique can benefit continued advancement, including your successes and failures and recommendations for future implementation. The Journal especially welcomes submissions rich with IPECP examples from diverse writing teams across professions and institutions.
To have your manuscript considered for the issue, submit an initial idea by June 1, 2022, to the guest editors (information below). Authors whose proposals are accepted will need to submit their manuscripts by December 31, 2022 at the latest. Publication of articles in the special series will be prioritized between June 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023.
Please review the Authors’ Guide for instructions on preparing manuscripts. All submissions will undergo the normal Athletic Training Education Journal peer-review process and, therefore, acceptance is not guaranteed.
Direct questions to the Editorial Office (e-mail: atej@slu.edu) or to Guest Editors Anthony Breitbach, PhD, LAT, ATC, FASAHP, FNAP (email: anthony.breitbach@health.slu.edu), or Sarah Manspeaker, PhD, LAT, ATC, FNAP (email: manspeakers@duq.edu).