By Sara Richardson, MS, LAT, ATC, NATA Council of Practice Advancement Private & Emerging Practice Committee Chair
NATA COPA Con is back for round two! The NATA COPA Con 2022 Virtual Conference on Practice Advancement kicks off with live content April 8-9, and continues on-demand through May 9.
Registration is open now, and early bird pricing ends March 18.
As a member of the NATA Council on Practice Advancement for one year and a rookie to volunteering on a committee, I got to see how hard the two COPA members tasked with planning COPA Con 2021 worked on this conference. They pushed and created what was hopefully going to be an in-person conference and were able to pivot to virtual when it became necessary and hit it out of the park for COPA’s first hosted conference.
COPA Con 2022 Virtual Conference on Practice Advancement: Driving Advancement Through Data returns with educational content and programming that focuses on developing stronger leaders, increasing return on investment and advancing those in the emerged settings through data and documentation outcomes. COPA Con 2022 will be a virtual event and will feature networking opportunities for peer-to-peer discussion.
I attended COPA Con in 2021 and I loved the content and experience. The content from the speakers was enlightening, applicable and was more advanced because it was setting-based. I have owned an athletic training business for eight years in the private practice/clinic setting, and it was so nice to hear content that I could take and implement into my setting.
I have gotten used to attending lectures and hearing content then walking away thinking one of two things: 1) That doesn't apply to me in my setting, or 2) I really liked that, but how will that work in my setting?
I also have wanted to hear from other ATs with knowledge and experience in business, data, hiring employees, mentoring and managing ATs, etc.
I believe that ATs who fall under the COPA umbrella want to hear advanced content and content that is setting-specific. This is the goal of COPA Con.
If you ask yourself those questions due to the setting you are in, then consider attending COPA Con 2022. COPA exists to bring support and a voice to ATs in settings outside of secondary school, college/university and professional sports.
At COPA Con 2022, we want to raise awareness of what COPA is and provide applicable content to ATs in emerging settings. The theme this year is "Driving Advancement Through Data.” We know data is key to proving and providing our value and purpose in the health care system and to the settings where we provide care.
We have some great speakers lined up for you with a variety of topics including legal aspects, expanding your business, mentorship, big data, clinical efficiencies and more.
The COPA Con planning team has worked diligently to put this together, and we hope you attend. I am looking forward to the content this year, as it’s different from last year and just as good.
We look forward to a successful virtual COPA Con 2022 and are hopeful for continued growth in the future!
Register for COPA Con 2022
Visit the COPA Con 2022 website to register to attend. Early bird pricing for members is $155 ($455 for nonmembers) until March 18. After that date, member pricing increases to $230 ($530 for nonmembers). The COPA Con 2022 website also features the preliminary program and session information.
Attendees who participate in the two-day live event and/or the 30-day on-demand period of COPA Con 2022 can earn up to 11 CEUs.