The new and improved 2021 NATA Virtual Clinical Symposia & AT Expo platform offers several ways for attendees to connect with the companies that support the athletic training profession. Attendees can post in the AT Expo Exhibitor Chat, participate in a video chat or simply request info by leaving contact information.
Upon entering the virtual AT Expo, attendees can browse companies showcasing their products and services. Find exhibitors by keyword/product search or select exhibitors from the listing or an interactive, 3D floorplan. Once entered into an exhibitor’s booth, attendees can view demonstrations, videos, pictures and product catalogs.
New for 2021, attendees will be able to go live with a company representative in video format or text chat to get their questions answered. The booths will have representatives available June 22-24 and will remain accessible 24/7 through Sept. 30.
The AT Expo Exhibitor Chat will be available 9 to 10 a.m., 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. and 3:45 to 6 p.m. CDT Tuesday, June 22; 9 to 10 a.m., 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. and 4:30 to 6 p.m. CDT Wednesday, June 23; and 9 to 10 a.m. and 12:15 to 2 p.m. CDT Thursday, June 24.
NATA will have booths available for more information about NATAPAC, ATs Care, Go4Ellis, National Provider Identification and other NATA initiatives and partners. Find a full list of vendors on the VNATA 2021 website.
Another new opportunity during the AT Expo is Gamification. Attendees can find codes within select exhibit booths to earn points and reach the top of the leaderboard for a chance to win a prize. . Explore and search! Codes are hiding all around the AT Expo.
For more information, visit the AT Expo page on the convention website.
Register Today!
Early registration for VNATA 2021 – $179 for current professional members – is available through June 21. After that date, registration will increase to $229 for current professional members through Sept. 30. Current professional members can save an additional $50 by prepaying their 2022 NATA membership dues. Retired and honorary members can register for VNATA 2021 for free.
For the entire pricing breakdown, more information and to register, visit the convention website.