Students who are attending the 69th NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo this June in New Orleans will get the chance to learn from industry leaders during the annual Athletic Training Student Seminar. Held annually, ATSS is coordinated by the NATA Student Leadership Committee and is designed to give students a more in depth look at the profession. This year’s ATSS schedule includes:
Wednesday, June 27
Otho Davis Keynote: “Expecting the Unexpected Post-Graduation” by Jim Thornton, MA, ATC, CES
8:45 to 10 a.m.
Hilton, Grand Ballroom A
ATSS Breakouts, Round 1
10:15 to 11 a.m.
- ATSS Breakout 1: “Work-Life Balance as an Athletic Trainer,” by Jamie Woodall, MPH, LAT, ATC, Jamie DeRollo, MBA, ATC, Joanna Schneider, MS, ATC, Albert Goffinett, MBA, ATC, EMT-T, and Alyssa McPherson, ATC, OTC, CSCS, Hilton, Grand Salon D
- ATSS Breakout 2: “Athletes Will Come to Me to Talk About Mental Health Issues? Tips for a Successful Conversation,” by Erin Haugen, PhD, LP, CMPC, Hilton, Grand Ballroom C
- ATSS Breakout 3: “Multiculturalism: Reality, Representation and Relevance,” by Kysha Harriell, PhD, ATC, LAT, Hilton, Grand Ballroom D
- ATSS Breakout 4: “Leadership Within the Profession,” by Rob Marshall, ATC, Hilton, Grand Salon A
- ATSS Breakout 5: “Legal and Risk Management,” by Chris Ludwig, EdD, ATC, Hilton, Grand Salon B
- ATSS Breakout 6: “Drug Use and Abuse in Athletics: What to Know,” by Shelley Mullenix, MS, ATC, Hilton, Grand Salon C
ATSS Breakouts Round 2
11:15 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Same locations as Round 1
NBATA Ron Culp Cadaver Workshop
12:45 to 2:45 p.m.
Morial Convention Center, Rivergate Room
Thursday, June 28
ATSS Student Career Roundtables
10:15 to 11:15 a.m.
Hilton, Grand Salon C
Search “ATSS” in the convention app to learn more about the ATSS events.
In addition to the ATSS events, NATA 2018 has other activities in which students can participate. Non-certified students are eligible to attend the Welcome Reception, Feature Presentations, Sessions, Special Topics and Free Communications. Non-certified students can attend the AT Expo Thursday and Friday, June 28-29, while certified students can attend Wednesday, June 27. Other student events include:
Cramer Student Reception
4 to 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, June 27
Morial Convention Center, Room 213
Pinky Newell Scholarship and Student Leadership Reception (invite only)
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 27
Hilton, Grand Salon C
10th Annual National Quiz Bowl
5:15 to 7:15 p.m. Thursday, June 28
Morial Convention Center, Room R08
If you’re looking for a place to take a break and meet other students, don’t forget to visit the Cramer Student Lounge, Morial Convention Center, Room 213. The lounge is open Wednesday through Friday, June 26-29.