NATA has launched the Sports Medicine Legal Digest, a new quarterly digital magazine focused on legal issues affecting athletic trainers and other sports medicine health care professionals. The first issue contains 12 pages of content related to liability and professional responsibility, including current case summaries, a Q&A with an athletic trainer/lawyer and a column about the importance of standing orders written by members of the NATA Professional Responsibility Committee.
Each case summary includes a section entitled "Related Resources" that provides additional reading about the topic of the case, whether it is concussion management, cardiac care or maintaining proper certification. The content and related resources were chosen to keep athletic trainers informed on legal issues that could affect their daily practice and to help ATs protect themselves from future liability by staying abreast of liability and ethical issues in the field.
The Digest is available in the same HTML 5 format as the digital NATA News, and you must be logged in as an NATA member to view the publication.
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