Participate in the Convention Contest

June 19, 2024 by Beth Sitzler
Participate in the convention contest

This year, members who attend the in-person 75th NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo, June 25-28 in New Orleans, will have the chance to win a prize and try something new thanks to the Convention Connection and Engagement Contest.

Wanting to foster connection, the NATA Connection and Engagement Committee created the contest to encourage relationship building among members during NATA 2024.

“The CEC created this contest for a way to get members more involved at the NATA convention,” said CEC Chair Dani Moffit, PhD, LAT, ATC. “We want members to do some things outside their usual comfort zone, meet some people they wouldn't otherwise meet and find out what great things are happening at NATA. We also want to share all the things that people can enjoy while in NOLA.”

When creating the contest, CEC wanted to make sure to include all of the convention highlights, ensuring members get the most out of their time at NATA 2024.

“Participating in the convention contest can significantly enhance the attendance experience by combining learning, networking and fun,” said CEC District Three Rep. Jenni Johnson, MS, LAT, ATC. “The contest presents an opportunity to spark our competitive spirit and make the convention a more memorable and enjoyable experience through increased engagement and the possibility of winning a prize!”

In order to enter the contest, a member must upload a photo of themselves completing one of 12 requirements, which include:

  1. Pose with an NATA Hall of Fame member
  2. Attend an educational session (this can be a CEU-earning session or an Athletic Training Student Seminar session)
  3. Attend your district meeting
  4. Attend an NATA Foundation Free Communications Poster Presentation
  5. Attend an NATA Foundation Rapid Fire or Oral Presentation
  6. Pose with a member volunteering at convention
  7. Attend a networking event (this includes alumni parties, the NATA Happy Hour or other convention party, ATSS Keynote Presentation and town halls)
  8. Take a photo of your favorite New Orleans landmark, restaurant or attraction
  9. Pose with an AT Expo exhibitor/vendor
  10. Attend a Daily Opening Session
  11. Take a screenshot using the convention app
  12. Use one of the services offered by the on-site NATA Career Center


“We created these 12 activities to encourage our members to move around, engage with members they normally wouldn’t and find new connections,” said CEC District Five Rep. Brooke Hughes, LAT, ATC. “It is designed to be a little competitive and a lot of fun! We picked activities that everyone can participate in and put their own spin on it. The hope is that it elevates everyone’s convention experience.”

The contest is open only to NATA members, including student members, in good standing who attend the in-person convention. The contest will take place on Gather, where CEC will create a post for each of the 12 categories. To participate, members must post a photo of themselves fulfilling that category’s requirement under its individual post. Each category post will equal one entry into the contest, with a member being able to enter up to 12 times. (While members can post more than one photo per category, they will only receive one contest entry per category in which they post.)

All participants will then be entered into a drawing to win an Amazon gift card. Up to 10 winners will be selected. A participant can win only one prize. The deadline to enter the contest is 11:59 p.m. CDT July 1. The winners will be notified by the committee via email and announced to the overall membership on Gather and through NATA and the committee’s communication channels the week of July 8.