The 75th NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo educational programming provides attendees with access to the latest research and information related to patient care and best practices.
Keep reading to learn more about this year’s educational programming and how to earn CEUs in person at convention. You can see everything NATA 2024 has to offer by viewing the full convention schedule on the convention website.
While there will be a variety of topics presented in New Orleans, the NATA Convention Program Committee has identified two key themes for NATA 2024:
- Health Care Administration: This theme is focused on topics related to the policies, procedures, operation and oversight of health care facilities and providers.
- Performance Recovery: This theme is focused on strategies to enhance physical and mental recovery and improve performance.
NATA 2024 was designed with different learning styles in mind. With a variety of session formats, there is something for everyone. In-person attendees will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of learning formats, such as Advanced Tracks, Forums, Lectures, Interactive Lectures, Learning Labs and, new this year, Blended Learning Lab. Expanded hands-on Learning Labs and Interactive Lectures will also be offered exclusively to in-person attendees.
- Advanced Tracks: Advance Tracks are offered June 25, prior to the official start of convention. In both four-hour and six-hour lecture and lab formats this year, Advanced Tracks will entail clinical session topics and in-depth lectures, followed by a hands-on lab and the opportunity to earn additional CEUs at an additional cost.
- Forums: Forums are designed to stimulate discussion between researchers and clinicians. Presenters provide an overview of current evidence on a relevant topic and pose stimulating questions to the audience for a structured panel-audience discussion and opportunities for critical thinking.
- Lectures: These in-depth presentations discuss a topic(s) relevant to athletic trainers that fall within the domains of athletic training. Lectures include a question-and-answer session.
- Interactive Lectures: During an interactive lecture, the speaker incorporates engagement opportunities into their presentation, including videos, demonstration, small group discussions and/or interactive polling. This allows attendees to engage with the material presented as well as one another.
- Learning Labs: These sessions provide an opportunity for attendees to observe, think critically and apply newly acquired skills that fall within the domains of athletic training. They include both a lecture and hands-on learning which attendees can immediately implement.
- New! Blended Learning Lab: New this year, this session provides in-person attendees an opportunity to complete the lecture portion of their education asynchronously prior to convention and experience a two-hour lab on-site. Preregistration is required for this event and must be completed by June 24 in order to be admitted into this session. There is an additional $15 fee and the session is capped at 150 attendees.
- Free Communications Program: Another way to learn during convention is through the NATA Research & Education Foundation Free Communications Program’s poster and oral presentations. Free Communications Program oral presentations allow for quick chunks of learning to happen with six-minute presentations. The Free Communications Program posters will be displayed in NATA Connect along with the chance to chat with poster presenters.
NATA 2024 in-person attendees will receive an email containing links to evaluations for each day’s educational events. These emails will be sent to the address used to register for convention. Completion of the evaluations is key to enhancing your learning, providing feedback to speakers and improving future programming. Your registration number will be needed to complete the evaluations.
While on-site in New Orleans, attendees can earn up to 15 CEUs. If in-person attendees don’t earn all 15 CEUs on-site, they can earn their remaining CEUs through NATA 2024 On-Demand starting Aug. 1. NATA 2024 On-Demand will feature select recorded content from New Orleans as well as the NATA Foundation Free Communications Program poster presentations.
In-person attendees will also have access to five never-before-seen sessions in the NATA EducATe platform July 8- Oct. 31 for 5 additional CEUs, bringing their total to up to 20 CEUs earned though NATA 2024. These sessions will be available exclusively to in-person attendees. Visit the NATA 2024 Exclusive Content page for more information on these sessions.
An email to access your Statement of Credit will be sent to in-person attendees by the end of July. Your Statement of Credit will reflect that you can report up to 20 CEUs. It will be up to you track the sessions you attended on-site and your corresponding contact hours (CEUs), along with the sessions you complete on-demand, and to report your CEUs earned. It’s the attendee’s responsibility to accurately report contact hours and CEUs earned during the in-person and on-demand educational programming.
If you have a question about your statement, email ki@nata.org.