The December NATA News highlights the 140 members who celebrated 50 years of membership with NATA in 2023. Congratulations to these members, listed below, as well as all of our members who are celebrating milestones with the association this year!
Thomas Abdenour, DHSc, ATC, CES
Karen Atkins, AT Ret.
Thomas Baker, AT Ret.
Tod Baldwin, AT Ret.
Tobias Barboza, AT Ret.
Michael Barnish, AT Ret.
Greg Bauer, AT Ret.
William Biddington, AT Ret.
Lynn Bott, AT Ret.
Kathleen Boyd, MS, LAT, ATC
Marty Bradley, AT Ret.
Daniel Brady, AT Ret.
Gary Briggs, AT Ret.
Dennis Brogna, AT Ret.
William Buckley, PhD, LAT, ATC
C. Burton, MS, LAT, ATC
Roberta Butler, AT Ret.
Rodney Cardinal, AT Ret.
Mickey Clarizio, ATC
Gwen Cleaves, MA, LAT, ATC
Debra Coglianese, AT Ret.
Jeffrey Cooper, AT Ret.
Thomas Cooper, AT Ret.
Kathie Courtney, AT Ret.
Lexandra Creitz, AT Ret.
John Crowe, AT Ret.
Scot Dapp, AT Ret.
Steven Delong, AT Ret.
Nancy Diehl, AT Ret.
Jeffrey Dooley, AT Ret.
Mark Doughtie, AT Ret.
Joanne Dunnock, AT Ret.
Mark Dusing, AT Ret.
George Eckert, AT Ret.
Greg Evans, AT Ret.
Debra Evenson, AT Ret.
Thomas Fagan, MS, PT, ATC
Robert Ferguson, MEd, LAT, ATC
Russell Fiore, MEd, LAT, ATC
Thomas Ford, AT Ret.
Tim Garl, MA, MPA, LAT
Muriel Gilman, AT Ret.
Robert Grams, AT Ret.
David Griffin, AT Ret.
David Grossman, AT Ret.
Catherine Grove, AT Ret.
Mark Hicks, AT Ret.
Cheryl Hitchings, AT Ret.
Craig Holz, MS, LAT, ATC
Stephen Hornor, MA, LAT, ATC
Peggy Houglum, AT Ret.
Joseph Iezzi, MS, LAT, ATC,
Christopher Ipson, MA, LAT, ATC
Bill Jennings, MA, ATC
Bruce Johnson, AT Ret.
Sam Kegerreis, AT Ret.
Wiley Kendle, AT Ret.
Donald Kessler, ATC
Chuck Kimmel, AT Ret.
Robert Klingler, AT Ret.
John Knarr, AT Ret.
David Knoeppel, LAT, ATC, PT
William Knott, AT Ret.
William Kuehl, MS, ATC
Glenn LaFrance, AT Ret.
Douglas Landuyt, AT Ret.
Kathleen Laquale, AT Ret.
Del Lark, LAT, ATC
Paul Lasinski, AT Ret.
Rebecca Layfield, MEd, LAT, ATC
David Leigh, MS, LAT, ATC
Mark Letendre, ATC
John Levitt, AT Ret.
Jerry Lewis, MS, ATC, EMT
Lynn Lindaman, AT Ret.
Maryann Lohmeyer, AT Ret.
Terry Malone, AT Ret.
Salvatore Manente, AT Ret.
Donald Mattern, AT Ret.
Larry Mayol, ATC
Jerry McKune, AT Ret.
Garry Miller, MA, LAT, ATC
Jack Moore, AT Ret.
Mark Morrissey, AT Ret.
Steven Morrow, MAT, ATC
Christopher Mumaw, AT Ret.
Dennis Murphy, AT Ret.
Donald Nielsen, AT Ret.
James Offenbaker, AT Ret.
Luis Ortiz, MEd, ATC
Greg Ottr, AT Ret.
Henry Otto, AT Ret.
David Paris, AT Ret.
Joseph Pawlik, ATC
William Pearce, LAT, ATC
Thomas Peterson, AT Ret.
Richard Pierce, AT Ret.
Phillip Pifer, AT Ret.
Michael Pomerleau, AT Ret.
Jo-Anne Potter, AT Ret.
James Reilly, AT Ret.
James Richards, AT Ret.
Gerald Rishel, AT Ret.
William Roberts, ATC, PTA
Clifford Rode, AT Ret.
Michael Sabatelle, AT Ret.
Michael Sandago,SCAT, ATC
Larry Sayles, AT Ret.
Roger Schipper, AT Ret.
Janet Schmid, AT Ret.
Byron Schulken, LAT, ATC
Harry Schulz, AT Ret.
Gerard Scibilia, MS, DPT, ATC
Lawrence Scire, MS, ATC
Rex Sharp, MS, LAT, ATC
Brian Siddall, AT Ret.
Nancy Sigman, AT Ret.
Michael Sitler, AT Ret.
Jeffrey Stone, MEd, LAT, ATC
Dave Strickfaden, AT Ret.
Gary Strickland, AT Ret.
James Strickland, AT Ret.
Sharon Summers, AT Ret.
William Tibbetts, AT Ret.
Midge Tong, AT Ret.
Melody Toth, AT Ret.
Patricia Troesch, AT Ret.
Daniel Unger, AT Ret.
Robert Valouche, AT Ret.
Leonard Weber, AT Ret.
Barry Weinberg, MS, ATC
Terry Whieldon, AT Ret.
Scott White, MS, LAT, ATC
Michael Wilkinson, MS, ATC
Tom Wilkinson, AT Ret.
Sarah Wolfskill, AT Ret.
Ron Wollenhaupt,MA, LAT, ATC
Kenneth Wright, AT Ret.
Stanley Zieja, AT Ret.
No matter your setting, you have a home within NATA. Your membership opens the door to problem-solving resources and connects you to our global athletic training community. Be NATA and join or renew your NATA membership by Dec. 31. Don’t let finances get in the way of membership. Contact Member Services through email or by calling 972-532-8897 to learn more about how we can help.