Dear NATA member,
The NATA Board of Directors recently approved a technical change to the association’s bylaws. There are two types of bylaws changes - one is substantive, which requires member votes at our district meetings. These are significant changes such as board member term limits. The second type, technical changes, are to clean up or clarify language. As a matter of process, we ensured the change we are sharing with you today was a technical one with NATA’s legal counsel.
The full bylaws in PDF format, with the technical change highlighted in yellow, are attached. For your convenience, the revised section – article 6.4 – is included below.
Please note – these changes take effect 60 days after this notice. Also note that you will be asked to approve substantive changes at the upcoming district meetings. To avoid confusion, those changes are not included in this communication. Members in District Six approved the substantive changes – the first district to do so - but those changes are not implemented until two-thirds of the district vote in the affirmative.
(The highlighted section below is the NATA Board of Directors-approved technical change, approved 11/4/14, including new text in this color and deleted words with a strikethrough.)
6.4 Term of Office. The term of office of a Director starts in June following the completion of the sitting Director’s term election and shall be two (2) years, once renewable. Terms shall be staggered. A Director who serves a partial term may then serve two (2) additional terms. A Director is eligible to serve again after a one year hiatus (except for interim Director as provided in Section 6.8).
Best regards,
David Saddler
NATA Executive Director