The December NATA News highlights the 150 members who celebrated 50 years of membership with NATA in 2024. Congratulations to these members, listed below, as well as all of our members who are celebrating milestones with the association this year.
Jim Anderson, AT Ret.
Robert Annable, AT Ret.
Patricia Archer, AT Ret.
William Armstrong, AT Ret.
Paul Artrip, AT Ret.
Ross Bailey, AT Ret.
Rodney Bakken, AT Ret.
Thomas Bender, AT Ret.
Ned Bergert, AT Ret.
Robert Biunno, AT Ret.
James Booth, AT Ret.
Patricia Buchanan, AT Ret.
Charles Cady, AT Ret.
Benjamin Carbajal, AT Ret.
Ronald Carroll, MS, LAT, ATC
Pamela Chlad, MEd, RN, ATC
Jeffrey Clark, AT Ret.
James Colehour, AT Ret.
David Colt, AT Ret.
Steven Condon, AT Ret.
James Cooper, AT Ret.
Rudolph Corona, AT Ret.
Matthew Costello, AT Ret.
John Cottone, AT Ret.
Pete Daigle, LAT
Martin Daniel, ATC
Robert Day, AT Ret.
Donn de Yampert, AT Ret.
Robert Derington, LAT
Ed Dobrzykowski, AT Ret.
Joann Dohallow, AT Ret.
Stephen Donohue, ATC
Robert Duchardt, ATC
Cynthia Elyea-Firmani, LAT, ATC
Daniel Eppelheimer, AT Ret.
Harold Epps, AT Ret.
Wayne Evans, AT Ret.
Patrick FitzGerald, AT Ret.
Robert Floyd, ATC, CSCS
Robert Gariglio, MSEd, ATC
Richard Gerrells, AT Ret.
Marsha Grant-Ford, PhD, ATC
Kim Green, AT Ret.
Frank Grimaldi, AT Ret.
Larry Grollman, AT Ret.
Daniel Hagen, AT Ret.
Frank Harper, AT Ret.
Janet Helwig, AT Ret.
Jerry Hoemberg, AT Ret.
John Huskey, AT Ret.
Blair Johnson, MSPT, RN, ATC
Timothy Jones, AT Ret.
Jim Kausek, AT Ret.
Deborah Kiekover, MA, ATC
Richard Kilps, AT Ret.
Timothy Kocher, MEd, LAT, ATC
Terry Kofler, AT Ret.
Kevin Lampe, AT Ret.
Sandra Lane, AT Ret.
Suzanne Layton, AT Ret.
Dennis Lencioni, AT Ret.
Susan Lewis, AT Ret.
James Madaleno, MA, LAT, ATC
James Malseed, MEd, LAT, ATC
Karen Manfre Vincent Mangano, AT Ret.
Hugh Martin, AT Ret. Kim Mayer, AT Ret. William McCarthy, AT Ret.
Bruce McCrary, AT Ret.
Arthur McGuffin, AT Ret.
Dennis McManus, AT Ret.
Douglas Merrifield, AT Ret.
William Meyer, AT Ret.
Lorraine Michel, AT Ret.
Dean Miller, MS, LAT, ATC
Charles Miller, AT Ret.
Paul Miller, AT Ret.
Eugene Monahan, ATC
Monty Montgomery, PhD, LAT, ATC
Debrah Morante, AT Ret.
Roger Mosure, AT Ret.
Kevin O'Neill, ATC
Anthony Ortolano, AT Ret.
Jeffrey Pace, MAT, LPT, ATC
Randall Palmer, MEd, LAT, ATC
Michelle Piette, AT Ret.
Danny Poole, MEd, LAT, ATC
Vincent Porricelli, AT Ret.
Bryce Poynter, AT Ret.
William Prentice, PhD, PT, ATC
Dennis Pruss, AT Ret.
William Quirk, MA, LAT, ATC
Doug Rank, ATC, PT
John Ransone, PhD, ATC
Dan Rasor, AT Ret.
John Reigelsperger, AT Ret.
Leon Richardson, AT Ret.
Ronald Richardson, AT Ret.
Bruce Romain, AT Ret.
Dale Rudd, MS, LAT, ATC
Wendy Runley, AT Ret.
Jim Russ, ATC, PT
George Salvaterra, PhD, ATC, CES
J Timothy Sensor, AT Ret.
James Sevcik, AT Ret.
Jiro Shikakura, MS, ATC
Robert Siegworth, AT Ret.
Michael Sims, MS, LAT, ATC
Don Smelser, MEd, LAT, ATC
Jerry Smith, MBA, LAT, ATC Richard Smith, LAT, ATC
Lester Smith, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Mark Smith, AT Ret.
Robert Spertzel, AT Ret.
John Sullivan, AT Ret.
Anthony Sutton, ATC
Gilbert Tamez, AT Ret.
Carsandra Taylor, AT Ret.
Mike Taylor, AT Ret.
Michael Therriault, AT Ret.
Gayle Thomas, AT Ret.
Adolph Thor, AT Ret.
Brian Thorson, AT Ret.
James Tovell, AT Ret.
Arnold Trachtenberg, AT Ret.
Jody Treadway, AT Ret.
Paul Turbedsky, AT Ret.
William Tuscany, AT Ret.
Antoinette VanDePutte, MS, LAT, ATC
Wayne Vaupel, AT Ret.
William Via, AT Ret.
Frank Walters, PhD, LAT, ATC
Joseph Webb, AT Ret.
Keith Webster, MA, LAT, ATC
Scott Westermann, LAT, ATC
Donald Wheeler, AT Ret.
Jerry Whetstone, AT Ret.
Loren Whitehead-Swivel, AT Ret.
Dennis Whitesel, AT Ret.
James Whiteside, MD
Debra Willardson, AT Ret.
Mary Wisniewski, ATC
Sandra Worth, AT Ret.
Noel Wroble, AT Ret.
Anne Wuenschel, AT Ret.
Cecilia Yost, AT Ret.
James Zachazewski, DPT, PT, ATC
Frederick Zappala, MS, ATC
Frank Zezoney, AT Ret.