The 74th NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo features a host of opportunities to learn more about the NATA Research & Education Foundation and its efforts to advance sports medicine research and athletic training education.
From fundraising and social events to research, education and professional development programming, the NATA Foundation has, for many years, graced the NATA convention with opportunities for attendees to enhance their learning and on-site experiences.
“The [NATA Foundation] has a large presence during every NATA Clinical Symposia,” said NATA Foundation Director Jennifer Yoder. “This is a great opportunity for all attending to recognize the NATA Foundation’s efforts to advance the AT profession.”
Annual program events include the NATA Foundation Free Communications Program oral and poster presentations, the Distinguished Scholars Presentation, the Pinky Newell Scholarship and Student Leadership Reception, the Faculty Mentor Program Breakfast (by invitation only) and the Grant Writing Workshop (advance registration required).
In addition, this year the NATA Foundation will hold the fundraising events “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” “305 Fitness” and the online NATA Foundation Silent Auction in order to raise capital required to support its work to advance the profession, Yoder said.
Read on to learn more about each event hosted at NATA 2023 and how to participate.
Visit the booth located at the NATA Connect area of the AT Expo in ICC Hall I to learn more about the work the NATA Foundation is doing on behalf of the athletic training profession.
- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 22
- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 23
- 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 24
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
6 to 10 p.m. p.m. June 23
Victory Field
This is a fun evening of advancing and celebrating the AT profession that includes a tailgate picnic and baseball. Tickets can be purchased when you register for NATA 2023 (or you can add them to your existing registration record).
Deadline to purchase tickets is June 14.
305 Fitness
7 to 8 a.m. June 24
ICC, Room 105
Roll out of bed and join the NATA Foundation for a professionally led Zumba class with a “Miami vibe.” Tickets can be purchased when you register for NATA 2023 (or you can add them to your existing registration record).
Deadline to purchase tickets is June 14.
2023 NATA Foundation Silent Auction
Bidding open through noon CDT June 30
The NATA Foundation Silent Auction has grown to be one of the NATA Foundation’s largest fundraising events of the year. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the NATA Foundation’s revenue has decreased more than 40%. To continue advancing the athletic training profession through its research, education and professional development programs, the NATA Foundation needs your support.
This year, the silent auction will be online and all items will be displayed “virtually” in the NATA Foundation booth.
To learn more about how to bid, buy and donate, visit the NATA Foundation website.
Free Communications Presentations
The Free Communications Program is often the first chance an AT gets to present their research and clinical case studies during the NATA convention. Oral and poster presentations will be held throughout NATA 2023. Digital poster presentations will be available in the NATA 2023 On-Demand platform, which in-person attendees will also have access to. Learn more on the Free Communications webpage on the NATA convention website.
Pinky Newell Scholarship and Student Leadership Reception
7:15 to 8:15 p.m. June 22
JW Marriott, White River D
Join the NATA Foundation at the Pinky Newell Scholarship and Student Leadership Reception, a networking event recognizing the NATA Foundation’s scholarship recipients, NATA Foundation’s Deloss Brubaker Awardees for Student Writing and NATA Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award recipients. Space is limited and registration is required. You can sign up to attend the reception when you register for NATA 2023, or you can add registration to your existing registration record.
NATA Foundation Distinguished Scholars Presentation
1:40 to 3:40 p.m. June 23
ICC, Room 239
The Distinguished Scholars Presentation provides NATA 2023 attendees with an opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research from other health care professionals and groups, including the American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine and American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. It also allows members from these groups to benefit from athletic training speakers who represent the profession by giving presentations at their annual meetings.
NATA Foundation Grant Writing Workshop
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June 23
JW Marriott, Room 102
The NATA Foundation brings together a nationally recognized group of mentors who have obtained success with external funding agencies to maximize the chance of research funding for athletic training investigators. This two-hour workshop provides the expertise and support to improve funding successes by providing guidance on the development of a scientific aims page, understanding the review process and selecting the appropriate grant mechanism/agency.
Advance registration is required. Event and registration details can be found on the NATA Foundation website.
For more information about these events, visit the NATA Foundation convention events page.