Editor's note: In honor of National Athletic Training Month, NATA is conducting a blog series throughout March that showcases how ATs use the five domains of athletic training to improve the health and well-being and their patients. This blog post highlights domain five, Health Care Administration and Professional Responsibility, and how members can embody this year’s NATM theme, “ATs Impact Health Care Through Action.”
As with all health care professions, athletic training has its own rules and regulations, ethics and procedures that must be upheld. NATA offers several member resources on a variety of topics to keep athletic trainers up to date on everything from health care trends to updated best practices. Domain five focuses on health care administration and professional responsibility. This includes integrating best practices in policy construction and implementation, documentation and basic business practices to promote optimal patient care and employee well-being. It’s an ATs duty to stay informed, and NATA is here to provide members with the resources they need.
Best Practice Guidelines for Athletic Training Documentation: A work group created this document to define all practical and appropriate documentation practices for the athletic trainer; develop awareness of the advantages of appropriate documentation; identify proper methods to facilitate communication with relevant stakeholders (employers, administrators, supervising physicians and others); and define key terms as they pertain to documentation.
Billing and Reimbursement: Reimbursement from third party payors is a complex issue. Learn about proper documentation, billing, coding and strategies to be successful in reimbursement of athletic training services.
Health Care Issues: NATA provides all athletic trainers the opportunity to remain informed about key health and musculoskeletal conditions as well as the skills needed to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate these said conditions to minimize athlete-patient impairments, functional/societal limitations and disability. These resources are available to help athletic trainers stay updated on best practices related to specific medical conditions and health care issues.
NATA Code of Ethics: The NATA Code of Ethics states the principles of ethical behavior that should be followed in the practice of athletic training. It is intended to establish and maintain high standards and professionalism for the athletic training profession.
NATA Position Statements: These statements are scientifically based, peer-reviewed research with a team of authors who are experts on the subject. The NATA Pronouncements Committee oversees position statements.
NATA Consensus Statements: The product of inter-association task forces spearheaded by NATA created statements on topics from sports medicine to heat acclimatization and psychological concerns.
NATA Liability Toolkit: NATA has developed a liability toolkit for athletic trainers to help you assess your liability and understand the risks involved with patient care in order to protect yourself and your employer.
NATA Official Statements: The association stays current on timely topics providing statements to help guide ATs on important issues.
NATA Support Statements: NATA and outside organizations support each other's stance on a particular topic including intercollegiate athletics and secondary schools.
Policies and Procedures Manual: The manual provides information about NATA’s plethora of positions, committees, events and more.
Publications: NATA has multiple publications and journals to keep athletic trainers in the know on all the trend and news pertaining to the athletic training profession.
Research: NATA supports the advancement of the athletic training profession through different types of research, led primarily by the NATA Research & Education Foundation.
Revenue Resources: Revenue models contain information that will help ATs maintain and improve their positions by quantifying their worth to the organization.
Risk and Liability: Learn more about your liability as a health care provider and how you can mitigate risk through a proper understanding of standards of care and professional practice.
Continuing Education Opportunities
Log into the NATA Professional Development Center, and search for the following courses that relate to domain four, Therapeutic Intervention. You can also explore upcoming webinars to earn additional CEUs within the PDC.
Improving Patient Care by Improving Work-Life Balance for the Athletic Trainer
Appropriate Medical Care in Secondary Schools - Implementing the Appropriate Care for Secondary School Aged Athletes Standards