After the first quarterly meeting of the Greater Houston Athletic Trainers' Society, President Daniel Young, MAT, ATC, LAT, composed a letter addressing the consequences of Hurricane Harvey. Included in the letter were details on how GHATS is providing assistance and how other athletic trainers can provide (and request) help. Below is an excerpt with this information:
If you or your non-AT friends and family want to donate to athletic trainers, donate directly to the TSATA’s relief fund.
We all realize the fruition of any donation platform is unknown; meaning, that support may or may not occur immediately. Therefore, Erin Fernandez (GHATS Social Media Chair), Catherine Webb and several other local athletic trainers have been working towards the creation and release of a Survey Monkey questionnaire where athletic trainers can confidentially post their own, or other’s, immediate needs…There is an unfortunate stereotype regarding the pride and isolationism of athletic trainers. Please, do not feel embarrassed or shameful in asking for help. Countless GHATS members, sponsors, athletic trainers and other medical professionals around the country want to help you. So, if you know of a need, please enter it on the survey and be specific (ie: white tape vs stretch; 4T diapers instead of toddler diapers)...
GHATS will post that information to our social media; and, we will share our collected information with TSATA.