The saying goes "spring forward, fall back," but from we sit at the NATA office, the beginning of October has quickly turned into one of our busiest times of year.
For starters, we announced the results of the presidential election. Scott Sailor, EdD, ATC, who attended high school not far from the NATA office in North Dallas, was selected by the membership and said the impact "hadn't really hit him yet" when we caught up with him over the phone. (Read the full story on the NATA president-elect in the November NATA News.)
Oct. 1 also kicked off membership renewal season, annually a time of hectic hustling and excitement. And with the ability to take advantage of a payment installment plan, NATA hopes to make membership fees more manageable. Visit www.nata.org/membership for details.
This week also marked the launch of the official convention website, www.convention.nata.org. We're already looking forward to NATA 2015, and although registration doesn't officially begin until March 2, there is the option to register early in order to save some cash. Renewing your status as an NATA member to allows you continue receiving benefits like NATA News, and enables you to pre-pay for convention and reserve your spot before next year.
Finally, the Free Communications poster presentation contest sponsored by the NATA Research & Education Foundation began Oct. 1. Individuals may submit abstracts through Nov. 15. Visit the NATA Foundation website for contest criteria and further details.
Posted by NATA News Managing Editor Jaimie Siegle