The NATA Research & Education Foundation is committed to encouraging research among athletic trainers who can contribute to the athletic training knowledge base. A strategy for achieving this goal is to provide formal recognition for outstanding athletic training researchers. To that end, the NATA Foundation has established an awards program to acknowledge and reward those individuals whose work helps fulfill that goal.
The Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research, the New Investigator Award and the Doctoral Dissertation Award are presented annually to deserving researchers among the NATA membership. The Student Free Communications Awards Program was established to encourage early participation in research activities by undergraduate and graduate students.
To nominate an individual for a 2014 Research Award, simply submit his/her name, e-mail, mailing address and phone number to Patsy Brown (call 972.532.8847) by Oct. 7. Upon receipt of the nomination, NATA Foundation staff will send the candidate an award application, along with a request for a CV and three letters of recommendation outlining the candidate's scholarly contributions.
The complete info for each award can be found at the NATA Foundation website. And for more research coverage, you can read the July issue of the NATA News which was devoted to the topic.
Here are the most recent recipients receiving their awards in Indianapolis:
Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research – Sandra Schultz, PhD, ATC, FNATA
New Investigator Award – Joseph Hart, PhD, ATC, CSCS
Doctoral Dissertation Award – Timothy Tourville, PhD, ATC, CSCS