ats care

AT Burnout Addressed
August 30, 2024 by Lydia Hicks
As reported in the article, “AT Burnout Addressed,” on p. 52 of the August/September NATA News , it’s important for ATs to prevent burnout because they are the drivers of their patients’ complete care. To help athletic trainers navigate burnout,...
May 24, 2022 by Beth Sitzler
By Kelsey Bains, MA, ATC, NATA ATs Care Commission As we discussed in the previous blog , the way in which we, our colleagues, patients, friends or family metabolize a critical incident may differ not only from incident to incident, but from day to...
May 24, 2021 by Beth Sitzler
Mental health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being. All people, including athletic trainers, face challenges in life that can impact their mental health, especially during a pandemic; and prevention is an effective way to reduce...
May 27, 2020 by Claire Williams
Editor’s note: In honor of Mental Health Month, NATA is conducting a weekly mental health blog series throughout May to examine different facets of this topic and how they impact athletic trainers and their patients. This article focuses on the...
March 20, 2020 by Elizabeth Quinn
By David A. Middlemas, EdD. ATC. CCISM Chair, ATs Care Commission, National Athletic Trainers’ Association. ATs Care acknowledges the large-scale cancellations and postponements of meetings and gatherings affects all aspects of our lives. Our daily...