After all the votes were conuted, the winner of the NATM 2016 Poster Contest is Otsego High School Athletic Training (@Otse_GOAT)! They will be awarded a $100 Amazon gift card and a $50 credit to the NATAGear merchandise store. You can see the top ten entries at the NATA Now blog, and be sure to check back this Friday when we reveal the winners of our #NATM2016 Social Media Contest.
Alumni benefit basketball game @OtsegoSchools #NATM2016 @NATA1950 Student section on fleek! Thanks for the support!! pic.twitter.com/MMRhl4nl4c
— OHS ATraining (@Otse_GOAT) March 13, 2016
Today we presented Function Movement Screens to local HS PE classes for #NATM2016 @NATA1950 @frostburgstate pic.twitter.com/2CgGmY9b6f
— Jackie Durst (@jrdurst611) March 7, 2016
Students adding a little fun with practice of spine board #NATM2016 pic.twitter.com/34NXu2ldZB
— GFU AT Program (@bruinATprogram) March 4, 2016
Happy national Athletic Training month from your West Chicago High School wildcats. #NATM2016 @NATA1950 pic.twitter.com/clsX2Ux6Gz
— Rafika Faci (@lilfaci6) March 1, 2016
Congratulations @cv_girlsbball for the 3rd straight AAAA State Championship Win!! You gals are amazing! #NATM2016 pic.twitter.com/inIgVhf50A
— CV Athletic Training (@CVeagles_AT) March 18, 2016
Cuw MLAX ATs showing their NATM 2016 Posters in Times Square! #CUWAT #NATM2016 #ThankanAT pic.twitter.com/m20i876vm5
— CUW AthleticTraining (@CUW_AT) March 15, 2016
Last and final stop for the day! Workin with the warehouse loaders for Pepsi #NATM2016 @NATA1950 #ActionOnsite pic.twitter.com/Vt9Rj818wO
— Brady Corse (@BradynJoy) March 29, 2016
When Student ATs attack!! #NATM2016 @NATA1950 @lizlemon921 @WTHunter75 pic.twitter.com/Q29AdGqG4M
— MBHS Sports Med (@MBHSsportsmed) March 2, 2016
Francis Parker Girls basketball supports athletic trainers!! @FrancisParkerSc @phunt19 @SDHSATA #NATM2016 @NATA1950 pic.twitter.com/hvIufvZ5pm
— Niki Dehner (@Nikbflower) March 16, 2016