By John Doherty, ATC, PT
Concussions, fractures, strains and sprains translate to casts, splints, surgeries and/or time lost. Worse, that time may be a season or a career.
Consequently, sports medics are always striving for better and faster diagnostic tests, medications, rehabilitation techniques and surgeries.
Some work. Some don’t. And those that do, cost money — usually more than whatever they replaced.
Better not to get injured in the first place. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a magic method for preventing injuries? And if there were, how much would you pay for it?
How about no money down, with an ultimate investment of time only? How much time? Twenty minutes, three times per week.
And the payoff in return? If you are a coach, the injury rate for your team will be cut nearly in half. If you are an athlete, your chances of suffering the most dreaded injury of all, the torn ACL, will be reduced by more than 75 percent.
Too good to be true?
You can read the full version of this article in The Times. John Doherty is a licensed athletic trainer and physical therapist. This column reflects solely his opinion. Reach him at jdoherty@comhs.org. Follow him on Twitter @JDohertyATCPT.