Career-advancing athletic trainers: You’re invited to attend the next NATA Connection and Engagement Committee Meet and Greet at 11 a.m. CST Nov. 15.
During this free event, athletic trainers in their seventh to 12th year of certification can learn about the committee as well as NATA’s various member resources. The NATA Connection and Engagement Committee will outline the various benefits that come with being an NATA member and update attendees on changes and new initiatives in NATA. This is a great opportunity to get your questions about NATA answered and meet fellow athletic trainers from around the country.
Registration is required. Keep reading to learn more about what will be covered during the meet and greet.
Explore the Gather Platform
Want to connect with fellow members? Gather is an online community and networking resource exclusive to NATA members. You can engage online by joining special interest communities and interacting on discussion boards. Gather also houses the NATA Mentor Match Program and Volunteer Portal. During the NATA Connection and Engagement Committee Meet and Greet, you’ll receive an overview of the Gather website and learn how to access each of the benefits the platform offers.
Learn About NATA’s Professional Interests Groups
Looking for information specific to your job setting, career phase or another professional interest? During this event, you’ll learn about NATA’s Professional Interests Groups, which offer helpful resources relevant to your needs as well as different avenues for connecting with peers in similar circumstances.
Hear About the New EducATe Platform
Renewing your membership includes an educational change. Learn what has changed with the exit of the NATA Professional Development Center and what's coming with the new platform.
Have Your NATA Questions Answered
A Q&A session will be held at the end of the event, providing attendees the opportunity to ask questions about the topics covered or anything else related to NATA. The registration form includes an area to provide your questions in advance. If time allows, questions can also be asked during the event in whatever way you are most comfortable, whether through the chat box or using your microphone. This event is an opportunity to gain insight and knowledge directly from ATs who are familiar with NATA and member resources.
Meet and Engage With the NATA Connection and Engagement Committee
The NATA Connection and Engagement Committee was formed in the fall of 2021 and serves as membership ambassadors by engaging and linking members with the resources, information and support available from the national office. Additionally, the committee facilitates information flow and feedback across the state, district and national levels. The committee includes ATs who cover a range of employment settings and experiences. Attend and get to know the committee!