On June 3, NATA launched “Listen First,” Phase I of our overall plan in response to the global racial awakening as a result of the murder of George Floyd. Phase I created a virtual safe space for members and leaders to share concerns and feedback on how we can individually and collectively enact change for our Black members and patients.
In July, NATA continued the listening exercise and concurrently begin Phase II of the plan, assessing and organizing information received.
In early August, the results from the campaign assessment (Phase II) were presented to the NATA Board of Directors as well as Kysha Harriell, PhD, LAT, ATC, and Darryl Conway, MA, AT, ATC, the current and incoming chair of the NATA Ethnic Diversity and Advisory Committee (EDAC), respectively. We have invited Harriell and Conway to take part in the board’s discussions and execution of NATA’s response plan. Additional committees, leaders and volunteers will contribute as well.
There were six themes identified from Phase II based on member feedback collected during Phase I: providing appropriate medical care for all, committing to cultural competency, committing to equitable representation within the association, researching diversity, equity and inclusion within athletic training, providing career and community support and combating racial injustice.
As part of Phase II, an internal audit was conducted to assess NATA’s efforts that directly or indirectly address the identified themes. The board discussed the remaining phases of the plan as well as additional data necessary to comprehensively progress to Phase III, during which the board will identify and adopt efforts to enhance NATA’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. This process will include evaluating all the information received to date – as well as pending data, professional consultant input and discussions requested by the board – to move into vision and goals.
We will provide periodic updates via NATA communication channels as we continue to advance through the various stages of the plan. If at any point you have questions, please communicate with me or your district director.
Thrive On,
Tory Lindley, MA, ATC