Student Recruitment, Enrollment and Retention Webinar:
Principles of Marketing Applied to AT Student Recruitment
One of the challenges any athletic training program faces is recruitment. The next webinar in the Student Recruitment, Enrollment and Retention Series will focus on how one program has utilized a range of solid marketing principles and techniques to recruit and how select techniques can be applied by any athletic training program, no matter their size or budget.
Athletic training program directors and educators; members and nonmembers
- Principles of Marketing and Recruitment Techniques
- Valerie Herzog, EdD, LAT, ATC, Chair, Department of Athletic Training, Weber State University
- During this portion, attendees will learn how to:
- Apply marketing principles to athletic training programs
- Evaluate recruitment and marketing initiatives for athletic training programs
- Develop strategies to recruit diverse students to athletic training programs
- Take-aways – Materials Your Programs Can Use
- Brian Vesci, DAT, LAT, ATC, Chair, Executive Council for Education, NATA
- Attendees will walk away with access to a checklist to help in the development of their recruitment strategy.
- Q&A
- Valerie Herzog, Brian Vesci
- Closing
- Brian Vesci
Student Recruitment, Enrollment and Retention
Webinar Description
During this webinar, aspects of student recruitment, enrollment and retention (SRER) as well as challenges facing the profession will be discussed to provide educators and program directors with tools and support. This is an initial webinar, with more anticipated throughout 2023.
- State of Athletic Training Recap - NATA President Kathy Dieringer, EdD, LAT, ATC
In March, NATA released "The State of Employment for Athletic Training" statement. President Dieringer will briefly speak on this information and its context, as related to SRER.
- NATA Student Recruitment, Enrollment and Retention Workgroup Purpose- Brian Vesci, DAT, LAT, ATC
The chair of the NATA Executive Council for Education and the NATA Student Recruitment, Enrollment and Retention Workgroup will provide insight into the purpose of the workgroup and the work it has done, is doing and plans to do.
- The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions: Relationship Building – MaryBeth Horodyski, EdD, LAT, ATC
One of the most important relationships athletic training programs can build is with the advisor/health professions advisor on their campus. Horosyski will talk about key aspects of the relationship built between NAAHP and NATA on behalf of the athletic training profession over the past several years. Attendees will be provided with key points that are helpful when building relationships with advisors.
- Takeaways: Materials Your Programs Can Use (member-only access) – Brian Vesci
Member attendees will walk away with access to resources to assist with building recruitment materials or that can be used to inform and spark conversation with advisors.
- Q&A (Panel) – Kathy Dieringer, Brian Vesci, MaryBeth Horodyski
Attendees can utilize this time to ask the panel any questions about the information covered during their presentations and/or to share suggestions for what they would like to see in future SRER webinars.
- Closing – Brian Vesci
Additional resources have been collected to provide educators and program directors with tools and support on the topics of SRER.
SRER Marketing and Recruitment Strategies (PDF)
So You Want to Become an Athletic Trainer? (pdf) - View this two-page infographic defining what an athletic trainer does.
At Your Own Risk (AYOR) "Where ATs Work" handouts- View all the different settings that ATs work in. Visit their respective pages on AYOR's website for a deeper look into those settings, learn more and gain valuable insight into how vast, varied and fun the profession can be!