March 17, 2016 by JordanG
Approximately 50 percent of all sports-related injuries sustained by athletes ages 6 to 18 are related to overuse. Overuse can cause general stress, inflammation and tendinitis. Because the symptoms of overuse injuries tend to be gradual, it often...
March 17, 2016 by JordanG
The April NATA News featured an article on the Heat Safety Pledge (p. 28), a program created in 2014 by the Korey Stringer Institute in partnership with Mission Athletecare to encourage high schools to follow heat safety best practices. The pledge...
March 1, 2016 by Todd Christman
It is with heartfelt thanks that we reach out to you on behalf of the NATA Foundation. Athletic Trainers have a significant impact on students’, patients’, and athletes’ lives, yet our efforts often go unrecognized. The NATA Foundation’s 25th...
February 26, 2016 by Beth Sitzler
As part of National Athletic Training Month in March, the NATA Student Leadership Committee will once again hold its annual video contest. Students will have the opportunity to promote the profession of athletic training by capturing the heart of...