May 9, 2016 by Todd Christman
Scott Hamilton is in the people business—no matter if it’s teaching young skaters, giving his time to a worthy cause or sharing his extensive ice skating knowledge with television viewers, he works to serve, motivate and enlighten others. “Pretty...
April 22, 2016 by Todd Christman
National Athletic Training Month 2016 saw ATs far and wide promoting the profession to the public both in person and via social media. Use of the #NATM2016 hashtag generated over 12 million impressions. And the participation was not just limited to...
April 20, 2016 by Todd Christman
The Committee on Practice Advancement (COPA) is looking for individuals who are leaders in the field of administration to present a 15-20 minute message during the Healthcare Administrators’ Forum at the 67th Clinical Symposia & AT Expo on...
April 20, 2016 by Todd Christman
2016 Convention Events of Interest For ATs in Emerging Settings All locations are tentative and subject to change (Final locations will be provided in the 2016 NATA Convention Guide) *Denotes registration is required Wednesday, June 22 *Physician...