October 17, 2016 by Visitor (not verified)
Conducted every 2 years, the NATA Salary Survey is a nation wide effort to equip members with the data they need to negotiate their pay with a current or prospective employer. Upon survey publication in the spring, NATA members will be able to...
October 14, 2016 by Todd Christman
Last year we conducted a contest to promote #BetterTogether, which was the theme of the 67th Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. The winner of the contest ending up being Brock Wright ( @brockwright14 ), a student at Truman State University, with his...
Hurricane Matthew image for ATs Care blog
October 12, 2016 by JordanG
Our thoughts are with the NATA members and their families who have been affected by Hurricane Matthew. NATA recently started the ATs Care committee to aid athletic trainers in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident or death occurring to one or...
September 30, 2016 by Beth Sitzler
The November NATA News features an article about concussion research being conducted by Eric Swartz, PhD, ATC, FNATA, chair of the Kinesiology Department at the University of New Hampshire. Swartz received a $500,000 Head Health II grant from the...
September 28, 2016 by Todd Christman
By Kara Gainer Did you know HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) recently celebrated its 20th anniversary? As you may recall, President Bill Clinton signed HIPAA into law on Aug. 21, 1996. After having noticed various media...
September 27, 2016 by Todd Christman
By Chris Snoddy MA, LAT, ATC The wise phrase “Practice makes perfect" is used to convey that regular exercise of an activity or skill is the way to become proficient in it according to one internet source. How good would your sports teams be if they...
September 27, 2016 by Todd Christman
By Jeff Stone Past President – ATOM Past District One Director Our little “Athletic Training World” lost a true gentleman on Wednesday… Jack Baynes’ star shined brightly throughout his career and on all whom he cared for…a warm, humbling, caring...
September 27, 2016 by Beth Sitzler
Sometimes, an athlete will associate their weight and appearance with their athletic performance. They might feel pressure to look a certain way in order to perform at their best. Unsafe weight-control behaviors can threaten the athlete’s health,...