June 5, 2020 by Claire Williams
By Kiah Sundermeir, MA, ATC, Preslee Rivera, ATS, Ney Jimmy Rodríguez, ATS Editor’s note: Throughout June, NATA News will share content written by members of the NATA LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee related to different facets of LGBTQ+ health and patient...
June 3, 2020 by Beth Sitzler
The past few months have been incredibly difficult. Disparities, inequality, xenophobia and racial injustice have been brought to the forefront of our society. Like many of you, NATA is deeply disturbed and angered by the senseless loss of life due...
May 27, 2020 by Claire Williams
Editor’s note: In honor of Mental Health Month, NATA is conducting a weekly mental health blog series throughout May to examine different facets of this topic and how they impact athletic trainers and their patients. This article focuses on the...