December 3, 2020 by Elizabeth Quinn
In the December NATA News , we announced that 42 members are celebrating 50 years of NATA membership. Congratulations to them and all of our members celebrating milestones with the association this year! Our 50-year members of 2020 are: Stephen...
December 1, 2020 by Beth Sitzler
As discussions progress surrounding the release of a COVID-19 vaccine, NATA is advocating for athletic trainers to be included on the list of health care providers considered for early vaccination. In November, NATA sent a letter to the Centers for...
December 1, 2020 by Todd Christman
No one should be subject to sexual discrimination, harassment or abuse. As part of NATA’s continued commitment to foster and champion a safe and inclusive profession and association, the NATA Board of Directors established a workgroup of board...
November 20, 2020 by Elizabeth Quinn
During Membership Appreciation Week, Nov. 16-20, NATA wants to celebrate members who make the association what it is: home to all athletic trainers. Members have been chosen at random and will be featured throughout the week in our Member Spotlight...