October 1, 2014 by JordanG
The results of our presidential election are finalized, and Scott Sailor, EdD, ATC, has been voted by the membership to be our next president. He will take office in June 2015. Our sincere thanks to Russ Richardson, EdD, ATC, for his willingness to...
September 23, 2014 by JordanG
The October NATA News is online now, and it's all about how to succeed in the secondary school setting. We worked with the NATA Secondary School Athletic Trainers' Committee to develop content designed to help high school and middle school ATs with...
September 18, 2014 by JordanG
We're almost three weeks into the NATA presidential election, and our latest numbers show that only 12 percent of our membership has voted so far. If you're one of those 12 percent, we encourage you to display our "I voted" badge on social media to...
September 16, 2014 by Todd Christman
Required by many employers, the NPI is the standard identifier among health care professionals. NATA feels that all athletic trainers should have their NPI; in fact, members are now required to have one in order to serve on any NATA committee.
September 11, 2014 by JordanG
Hawaii Baptist Academy’s Sam Lee, ATC, recently sent us an email sharing his excitement about earning a Safe Sports School Award . In that email, Sam wrote: “Thanks for allowing us, helping us, enabling and empowering us to do something good for our...
September 8, 2014 by Todd Christman
Health care systems and private clinics are in the midst of Stage 2 Meaningful Use implementation of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Incentive Programs. As hospitals and private clinics navigate these requirements, many...
September 5, 2014 by Todd Christman
The NATA Research & Education Foundation is committed to encouraging research among athletic trainers who can contribute to the athletic training knowledge base. A strategy for achieving this goal is to provide formal recognition for outstanding...