November 18, 2014 by Todd Christman
The #ATsAre Social Media Contest ended last week and the response was fantastic. We received nearly 150 photo entries and the hashtag was used almost 900 times during the contest. So who will be taking home the prizes? Well, that’s where we need...
November 12, 2014 by JordanG
Dear NATA member, The NATA Board of Directors recently approved a technical change to the association’s bylaws. There are two types of bylaws changes - one is substantive, which requires member votes at our district meetings. These are significant...
November 6, 2014 by Todd Christman
The Business of Athletic Training webinar series, presented by Kathy Dieringer, Lisa Kluchurosky and Linda Mazzoli, is designed to incorporate basic business concepts into the tool kit of all athletic trainers. It is highly recommended that...
October 31, 2014 by Todd Christman
A few weeks ago we started a new social media contest that accompanied the unveiling of our new convention website. It was built around the philosophy that there are many words that can be used to describe athletic trainers, but only one word that...
October 28, 2014 by NATA Admin
By John Doherty, ATC, PT As the World Series comes to an anonymous end (No Yankees, no Red Sox, no Cardinals, no Dodgers, and no Cubs means nobody is watching.), here is a tip for all those dads who hope their sons are good enough someday to play in...