NATA Conduct and Non-Discrimination Statements


Those who take part in any NATA meeting or event, whether in-person or virtual, must treat each other with civility, courtesy and respect (both face-to-face and online). This means refraining from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior, materials, and speech. Failure to do so may result in removal from the event. (Also see NATA's Non-Discrimination Policy.)



NATA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity or age. NATA is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in all aspects of its continuing education activities. Participants who have special needs are encouraged to contact program organizers so that all reasonable efforts to accommodate these needs can be made.



It is the responsibility of athletic trainers to assure any techniques they perform are within the scope of their state practice acts. All materials presented in our educational programs are made available for educational purposes only. These materials are not intended to represent the only, or necessarily the best, methods or procedures appropriate for each situation discussed, but is intended to present an approach, view, statement or opinion of the authors or presenters that may be helpful or of interest to other practitioners.