It’s almost March, and we have many fun activities planned for National Athletic Training Month. The following are a few of the contests and initiatives we’ll be offering in March. We hope you’ll join the fun and help us promote the profession!
#NATM2015 Social Media Contest
This one is SO easy: Simply share a photo with us on social media of what you are doing to celebrate National Athletic Training Month (including the #NATM2015 hashtag so we can find your entry), and you’ll be entered to win one of three $100 Amazon gift cards.
#NATM2015 Poster Contest
You received a special poster in your February NATA News commemorating the NATM 2015 theme, “We prepare – you perform.” Share a photo with us on social media (using #NATM2015) so we can see how you’re displaying the poster, and you’ll be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card and $50 to the NATAGear online store. Bonus points for creativity!
- Need ideas? Check out the 2014 entries in our Tumblr archive (scroll down to the March 2014 section).
- If you want to print out more copies of the poster, you can download it here.
Social Media Blast
The NATA Public Relations Committee has organized a campaign to help us get the profession trending nationwide. We’ll be using specific tweets every Monday, and your retweets can help us start a trend!
Update Your Profile
One of the easiest ways to support NATM is to switch out your profile pictures and cover photos with NATM-themed pictures. We offer several versions of the NATM logo for download here (which are the perfect size for profile pictures) and we have a Facebook cover photo image that can be downloaded here.
More Resources
Visit our NATM Web page for even more resources, including sample calendar listings, news releases, proclamations, PSAs, media alerts and more.
We'll be sharing our favorite entries and photos on the blog all month long, so keep checking back to see the latest from #NATM2015.