Educational Resources
- Member-only resources and tools, including consensus statements, position statements and infographic handouts
- A $25 discount on the BOC Exam
- A $29 discount on the NATA BOC Exam Study Guide
- Access to a national network through the NATA Clinical Immersion Program
- NATA Leadership Academy
- Athletic Training Student Seminar and Student Expo at the annual NATA convention
- A $450 discount on NATA’s Research Survey Service (link can only be accessed by members)
- Free access to NATA Student Leadership Committee webinars and the NATA Timely Topics Series ($45 value per event)
- Your dues investment goes to support programs such as ATs Care
- Preferred provider discounts, such as with Professional Liability Insurance for your student liability insurance (student members save on average)
- The eligibility to apply for NATA Research & Education Foundation scholarships and awards
- The eligibility to apply for NATA student awards (link can only be accessed by members)
- Access to publications, including NATA News and Sports Medicine Legal Digest
- Access to the NATA Career Center
- Access to Gather, our member-only online community, and the online athletic training student community
- Professional Interests e-newsletters
- The eligibility to serve on the NATA Student Leadership Committee (link can only be accessed by members)
- Networking opportunities
- Access to a national database through the NATA Mentor Match Program
NATA has options in place to assist members who may be going through an economic hardship. Don't let money get in the way of investing in your future. Help us help you.