June 17, 2014 by JordanG

One of our National Athletic Training Month activities was the 6 Word Declaration Project, an initiative where ATs use six words or less to respond to a prompt. The responses are always really clever and interesting. Here are some of our favorites:
Why choose athletic training?
What motivates you professionally?
Where do you see the profession in 10 years?
What does continuing education do for you?
Do you have a six word declaration you'd like to add? Let us know in the comments section!
Posted by Jordan Grantham (jordang@nata.org)
Why choose athletic training?
- Make a difference in others’ lives!
- Because I care about athlete safety.
- Not a choice; it's a calling.
- Provide stellar medical care to athletes
- Help athletes achieve their goals safely
What motivates you professionally?
- The satisfaction in helping others heal....
- Providing the best care possible
- Being a servant for other people
- The satisfying feeling of helping others!
Where do you see the profession in 10 years?
- Athletic trainers in every secondary school
- Every athlete having an athletic trainer
- Educational reform leading to advanced practice
What does continuing education do for you?
- Learn, grow, improve, develop, evolve, build
- Grow, learn and make new connections
- Empowers me to improve patient care
- Strengthens the profession as a whole
- Learn to become a better professional
- Learning how to fix people...better
- Learning opportunities for optimal patient outcomes
- Grow professionally, better care for athletes
- Helps me learn about current events
- Enhances intelligent decisions to save lives.
- Keep updated on research and treatments
- Learn, plan, practice, evaluate, educate, legislate
- Advocate, collaborate, educate, repeat
- Advocate to treat athletic trainers individually.
- Stop settling for poor living wages.
- Evidence based practice, patient centered care!
- Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance.
- Never stop learning and teaching others.
- Educate, communicate, learn, leading by example!
- Demonstrate your value with data collection.
- By educating patients and students
- Educate, advocate, be involved, show professionalism
- Inspire others doing what you love!
- Clinical research targeting patient centered outcomes.
- Innovating the art of athlete care.
- Educate through blog, social media, speaking
- Continue providing quality care to patients.
- Professionalism, education, strong work ethic
- Study, assess, plan, communicate, promote, encourage
Do you have a six word declaration you'd like to add? Let us know in the comments section!
Posted by Jordan Grantham (jordang@nata.org)