The October NATA News highlighted the accomplishments of University of La Verne athletic training students and sisters Nysa and Hope Allen. The twins, both graduating in May 2016, shared the challenges that came with being student athletes, what interested them in athletic training and what they hope to accomplish in the future. Continue reading to learn more about the O’ahu, Hawaii, natives.
This summer, you were on the FWATA Quiz Bowl team during the 2015 NATA Convention. What was that like?
N: I was so happy when my team won FWATA Quiz Bowl. It is safe to say that I was speechless. Then when we found out we will be able to represent District Eightat NATA in Baltimore in 2016, I was ecstatic. NATA 2015in St. Louis was an incredible experience and I am so grateful for the opportunity to participate in it. My favorite session was the student cadaver lab where we got to dissect a human arm.It was an honor to compete for District Eightat the NATA Quiz Bowl and I look forward to competing next year in Baltimore!
H: This was an amazing opportunity to not only represent District Eight, but the University of La Verne, too. I was completely surprised we won the FWATA Quiz Bowl, and shocked to go to the NATA Quiz Bowl. The competitive nature of Quiz Bowl made me really want to win. We unfortunately did not win, but got fourth, which was still great! This NATA Convention was my first national convention. The magnitude of the exhibit hall and the selection of lectures was surprising and overwhelming. The speakers were amazing and I hope to attend next years NATA to grow in the field of athletic training.
How has your involvement with FWATA and NATA assisted you during your time at the University of La Verne?
N: Being involved with FWATA and NATA has assisted me with my time at ULV because it allows me to see the bigger picture of athletic training. At a university,athletic training is somewhat small. Going to district and national conferences allows me to see how big and growing the field really is. I am able to meet people from across the country and share experiences. This year,I will be a member of the Far West Athletic Training Student Leadership Committee. I am excited to participate, get involved and help influence different events/topics going on in our district. Also,this past summer I presented my thesis at the Hawaii Athletic Trainers Association Conference. I have sat in countless lectures and presentations,but have never been on the other side of the podium. It was a little nerve racking,but ultimately a refreshing experience that makes me want to continue doing research in athletic training.
H: Attending FWATA and NATA has made me realize how large the field of athletic training is. It’s amazing meeting people from other districts and learning how they practice athletic training. I presented my senior thesis as a poster at FWATA this past April. I was really intimidated at first, but got confidence with sharing my research and responding to questions. I actually really enjoyed this process, and am interested in doing more athletic training research after graduation. Also, after attending these conferences, I decided to apply for the FWATA Student Leadership Committee. I am excited to have my opinion on a larger scale of athletic training and get more involved with FWATA.
Who has been a major influence in your life?
N: My parents have been a huge influence in my life. Being away from home,I know they miss me a lot, and more than anything would love to have me home. But they have always supported me since I was little to make my own decisions, learn from my mistakesand to not let anything limit me. It is great knowing that I have a support system behind me with everything I do.
My sister,Hope,has also been a major influence in my life. People always say that we need to be unique, different and can’t like the same things. We are unique and different, and Hope amazes me every day with her determination towardher school work and life. When she takes something on,she is the most dedicated person I know. Some people think having a twin is a negative because you are always grouped together and can’t be an individual. For those who know us, we are unique and individuals. And what’s great is that we are better together. I have an instant friend and am so grateful we are in the same field of study and enjoy spending time with each other.
H: My twin, Nysa, has been a major influence in my life. Growing up as a twin, we were always told we were the same person and that we can’t be independent. This is not true, and we have become two uniquely distinct people as we’ve grown up. I admire Nysa for her work ethic, attitude and passion for athletic training. Her compassion toward athletes and willingness to help and be a leader to the underclassmen in the program inspires me. She drives me to get good grades, be the best athletic training student I can be and to continue to pursue my degree. It is exciting having her as my classmate to push me and feed off of her energy. It is such a blessing to have Nysa as my major influence.
If you couldn’t have a career in athletic training, what other profession would your pursue?
N: If I could not be an athletic trainer,I would either be a math teacher or open my own bakery. Since I was little,I have always loved math. It just makes sense and I never get tired of it. My ultimate dream is to open my own bakery. I love to bake. I have an obsession. I love experimenting with different flours and alternative healthy ingredients.
H: I would be either a registered dietician or an endocrinologist. I am passionate about nutrition and people’s health and wellbeing. Food is an amazing component to life and educating people about food seems fun. The endocrine system is fascinating, and I would love to help people with thyroid dysfunction and Type 1 and 2 Diabetes.
What do you like to do in your free time?
N: In my free time,I like doing anything outdoors,whether it be hiking, going to the beach, surfing or doing yoga. WheneverI go home to Hawaii,I am at the beach every day. The ocean has my soul and I love any activity that involves the water.
H: I like to exercise, go to the beach, surf, do yoga, cook and bake. I love to live the most active, positive life I can. I am from O’ahu, Hawaii, and going to the beach is my daily ritual. Any day off, I have you can find me at the beach.
Posted by Beth Sitzler, NATA News Managing Editor (beths@nata.org)